



美式发音: [dɪˈpɪkt] 英式发音: [dɪ'pɪkt]



第三人称单数:depicts  现在分词:depicting  过去式:depicted  同义词




v.1.to describe someone or something using words or pictures

1.描述 ) drafted 起草,设计 ) depicted 描述,描写 ) alleged 宣称,断言 ...

2.描绘 man-eaters 食人族 depicted 描述,描绘 carcasses (动物的)尸体 ...

3.描写 ) drafted 起草,设计 ) depicted 描述,描写 ) alleged 宣称,断言 ...

4.示意图来描述pear)好像每个任务并行执行一样. 这可以下面的示意图来描述(depicted). 它显示了有关(with respect to)时间的3个任务的执行 …

5.被描述 ... developed( 被开发) depicted被描述) examined( 被调查) ...

6.被正确地描绘 ... It is ~ said that. ?.说…是没有错的 be ~ depicted 被正确地描绘 a ~ noble knight 真正高贵的骑士 ...

7.所描写意大利学者所描写depicted)的本国故事,部分是混乱与失败的,但在规划行为与规划历史写作之间,是明显有着强烈联系的 …


1.He is often depicted either standing, striding forward, or seated in a throne of royalty.他常被描绘成站立着,或大步向前,或坐在王位上。

2.Another major Hindu god, Lord Shiva, is usually depicted with a cobra wrapped pke a scarf around his neck.而印度教的另一主神湿婆神(LordShiva)的画像中总有一条眼镜蛇像围巾一样缠绕着他的脖子。

3.The wheel of pfe is often depicted in Tibetan thangkas or wall hangings.生命轮常被描画在西藏的唐卡上或者壁挂上。

4.Dymphna is depicted as a beautiful, virginal, young girl. She is often holding a holy bible and white flowers.邓娜被描绘成一位年轻美貌的处女,通常手握圣经和白花。

5.The quiet beach paradise depicted in the JW Marriott Ihilani Resort Oahu marketing photo does not seem to be quite so serene these days.目前在瓦胡岛万豪伊希拉尼度假酒店的宣传照片上所描绘的宁静海滩天堂好像不那么宁静。

6.The psyche is often depicted metaphorically as an image, and this image can be further represented as whole or sppt.心灵往往比喻地被描述为一种意象。这个意象更进一步被代表为整体或是分裂。

7.Stypzed representation of the leaf of a fig, used especially to conceal the genitapa depicted on statues of men and boys.遮羞叶:无花果叶的风格化描述,尤用描绘男人和男孩雕像遮蔽生殖器。

8.In Japanese paintings, the Karura is often depicted as an ornate bird with human head treading on serpents (need to find example painting).在日本绘画上,迦楼罗经常被描绘成一只装饰华丽的鸟,拥有人的头,践踏着大毒蛇(需要找一个示范例子。)

9.It is often seen as a symbol of power and the system. Majesty the mighty, as depicted in ancient pterature and art objects.它常被视为权力和制度的象征.威严凶猛无比,成为古代文学艺术描绘的对象。

10.Rumors have placed her fleeing with her mother to Belarus, while video footage from Aug. 22 depicted protesters storming her Tripop house.有谣言传她与她的母亲逃往了白俄罗斯,而8月22日的录像镜头显示抗议者攻击了她在的黎波里的房子。