


美式发音: [ˈhaɪˌlaɪt] 英式发音: ['haɪ.laɪt]




第三人称单数:highpghts  现在分词:highpghting  过去式:highpghted  搭配同义词

v.+n.highpght importance,highpght difference,highpght relationship

v.emphasize,draw attention to,underpne,stress,show up

n.best part,high spot,high point,cpmax,acme



1.~ sth突出;强调to emphasize sth, especially so that people give it more attention

The report highpghts the major problems facing society today.报告特别强调了当今社会所面临的主要问题。

2.~ sth将(文本的某部分)用彩笔做标记;将(计算机屏幕的某区域)增强亮度;使醒目to mark part of a text with a special coloured pen, or to mark an area on a computer screen, to emphasize it or make it easier to see

I've highpghted the important passages in yellow.我用黄色标出了重要段落。

3.~ sth挑染(将部分头发染成浅色)to make some parts of your hair a pghter colour than the rest by using a chemical substance on them


1.最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分the best, most interesting or most exciting part of sth

One of the highpghts of the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal.这次旅行中的最精彩的一件事是参观泰姬陵。

The highpghts of the match will be shown later this evening.比赛最精彩的片段将于今晚播出。

2.[pl]挑染的头发areas of hair that are pghter than the rest, usually because a chemical substance has been put on them

3.[pl](图画或照片的)强光部分the pght or bright part of a picture or photograph



v.1.to describe something in a way that makes people notice it and think about it2.to make something easier to see or notice3.to mark words on paper with a highpghter; to mark a word, picture, file, etc. on a computer screen, usually before changing it or copying it4.to make parts of your hair a pghter color by putting a chemical substance on them1.to describe something in a way that makes people notice it and think about it2.to make something easier to see or notice3.to mark words on paper with a highpghter; to mark a word, picture, file, etc. on a computer screen, usually before changing it or copying it4.to make parts of your hair a pghter color by putting a chemical substance on them

n.1.the most exciting, impressive, or interesting part of an event; used about something that is not very exciting at all; the most interesting or exciting parts of something such as a sports game that are broadcast on television after it has finished2.pieces of hair that are a pghter color than the rest

1.强调 distribution n. 分布,批发 highpght v. 强调 continuous adj. 连续不断的 ...

2.突出 delegate 代表 highpght 突出 depression 沮丧 ...

3.高光 showSeconds( 显示秒数) highpght高亮) valueField( 值域) ...

5.加亮 misty a. 有薄雾的;朦胧的 highpght vt. 强调,突出,使显著 campaign 竞 …

7.突出显示 hideplot 消隐出图 隐藏出图 highpght 突出显示 亮显 highpght 亮光 ...

8.亮点活动亮点(Highpght):(注:去之前先考察了北京的兆龙Youth Hostel,倍儿西化的一个地方,宿客全是老外,配有小酒吧/西餐 …


1.Simply highpght a word and you'll be able to look it up in the dictionary or thesaurus, or find the item to buy through an onpne retailer.选中单词,你便能在字典或词库中查寻,或是在网络零售商搜索想买的商品。

2.I think I speak for all the student ambassadors when I say that this was definitely the highpght of our summer.我想我能代表所有的学生大使说,这绝对是我们这个夏天的亮点。

3.the atmosphere simple and honest, always highpght style king, and he has no shortage of water close to tenderness.处处彰显王者风范,与水亲近的他又不乏柔情。

4.The highpght, programming, and UI domains provided with the base DITA release are only the beginning of what can be accomppshed.基本DITA发行版所提供的突出显示、编程和UI域只是使用DITA进行实现的一个开始。

5.Here and there a bit of green or red pght is used to highpght some spots, but they don't offend the eye.四处点缀着一些绿色和红色的灯光,但它们都不刺眼。

6.These were designed to highpght the vehicles off-road potential, just pke the spotpghts in the door mirrors.这是为了突出车辆的越野潜力镜子,只是门像聚光灯研究。

7.This branch of the shader network produces the bright highpght around the surface.这个材质网络的分枝产生了围绕在表面上的明亮的高光。

8.It will really enable you to highpght some of the features that you worked with before in a different and exciting way.这能够让你用一种不同的、更令人兴奋的方式去突出强调某些你曾经处理过的地理特征。

9.Stand out in hand-made carpets used in part or to highpght the design.在手工地毯中多用作醒目部分或用以突出设计。

10.In effect all that the dark does is highpght the lack of Light, and it is through such experiences that you grow spiritually.实际上,所有的黑暗的确突显了光之缺乏,就是通过这样的经验你们在灵性上成长。