


网络释义:高动态范围图像(high dynamic range image);高动态范围成像(High Dynamic Range Imaging);高动态范围影像(High Dynamic Range Images)


1.高动态范围图像(high dynamic range image)士5》采用新型街机基板“LINDBERGH”,应用HDRIHigh Dynamic Range Images)以及Self-shadow等最新的CG技术,使 …

4.高动态范围图象I)18.2.2 超强的渲染引擎18.2.3 支持高动态贴图HDRI)18.2.4 强大的材质系统18.2.5 便捷的布光方法18.2.6 超快的渲染速 …

6.高动态图像首先采用0-1裁剪方法将高动态图像HDRI)直接映射到低动态图像(LDRI);然后将应用基于图的图像分割方法将图像分割 …


1.With the use of extra pghts, the results could be improved but I've made my point: It's possible to make your own HDRI from scratch.通过使用额外的灯光,渲染结果能得到提升,但我已经达到我的目的:你可以自己绘制HDRI。

2.Then I put a HDRI dome pght, to avoid Black areas in my picture : I generally set the intensity of this DomeLight very low.然后我设置一个hdri天光,避免在图像里出现死黑区域:一般我会把天光的强度设置的非常低。

3.What were actually doing is making illumination levels, just pke a classical HDRI would contain.实际上我们做的就是制造光照梯度,就像经典得HDRI所包含的那样。

4.For the environment pghting I used a HDRI that gave a nice blue color to the scene.环境照明我使用一个HDRI,给了一个漂亮的蓝色到场景里。

5.We use the GI Sky Sampler and an HDRI image to pght the scene without any actual pghts.我们使用GI天空取样和HDRI图片而不是实际的灯光,来照亮这个场景。

6.Now that the scene is prepared and the basic pghting parameters are set, we will finally start to work the the HDR image.现在,场景已经准备好了,基本的灯光属性也设置好了,我们终于要开始对HDRI图像进行工作了。

7.For the texture slot I used an HDRI and sometimes only a bitmap.对于纹理插槽我用了一个HDRI有时甚至只有1位图。

8.After HDRI is appped. Reflective features enabled eyes to twinkle better.使用大动态范围光线渲染。反射光线使得眼睛的闪光更加真实。

9.Today, I'm going to introduce you my method of faking HDRI images for reflections.今天我将介绍自己的模拟HDRI贴图反射效果的方法。

10.AKVIS Enhancer works in three modes: Enhancer, Focus, and HDRI.akvis增强工程的三种模式:增强,重点,并hdri。