


美式发音: [huf] 英式发音: [huːf]




复数:hoofs  复数:hooves  复数:hoofs or hooves  现在分词:hoofing  过去式:hoofed  



1.(马等动物的)蹄the hard part of the foot of some animals, for example horses

IDMon the hoof(牲畜等)活着的,待宰的meat that is sold, transported, etc.on the hoof is sold, etc. while the cow or sheep is still apve(informal)草草地;顺便if you do sthon the hoof , you do it quickly and without giving it your full attention because you are doing sth else at the same timev.

1.(informal)~ sth猛踢(球);把(球)踢出很远to kick a ball very hard or a long way


We hoofed it all the way to 42nd Street.我们一路步行到了第 42 街。

hoof it(informal)步行(到某处)to go somewhere on foot; to walk somewhere

We hoofed it all the way to 42nd Street.我们一路步行到了第 42 街。



n.1.the hard part of a horses foot

1.蹄 hint n. 暗示, 示意 hoof n. mastery n. 掌握 ...

2.蹄子 蹄铁〖 shoe〗 蹄子hoof〗 蹄筋〖 tendon〗 ...

3.踢 walk 步行,走;散步 hoof 步行;;跳舞 ...

4.马蹄 马笼头: bridle 马蹄: hoof 马鬃: mane ...

5.步行 walk 步行,走;散步 hoof 步行;踢;跳舞 ...

6.有蹄类动物 Hog 阉过的公猪 138 Hoof 有蹄类动物 139 Horse 马 140 ...

7.蹢 ... [pace up and down] 徘徊不前的样子 [hoof] [loiter around;walk to and fro;stop] 又如:踣蹢躅(徘徊不进的样子) ...


1.Sleeves were tight around the arms to keep out the wind, and the 'horse-hoof' shaped cuffs flared out to protect the hands.袖子围绕着胳膊是紧绷的,以防止灌入风,袖口是马蹄型外翻的,用来保护手部。

2.Back in the yard Boxer was pawing with his hoof at the stable-lad who lay face down in the mud, trying to turn him over.回到院子里,布克瑟用蹄子扒了一下那个脸朝下趴在泥里的马夫,想把他翻过来。

3.Cattle's Hoof Rock: It was said that soon after the old cattle bumped into the maple one of his hooves came out of this slope.牛蹄石:相传老黄牛舍身钻进神牛枫树后不久,便在这后山坡上有一牛腿“伸”出,日积成石。

4.He must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of plain metal and then fit it to the horse's hoof.他必须能够塑造一个擦鞋的一块纯金属,然后适当给马蹄。

5.She knows thunder Gu any can't pass hers, whatever don't narrate to, she had not wanted as well to drift onward favor this of on the hoof.她知道雷孤凡不会放过她的,不过没有关系,她也从来没有想着这样苟且的活着。

6.The horse's hoof rattpng away is only a beautiful mistake that I have rattled away, even, I am the transient guest, I have never been here.我哒哒的马蹄只是个美丽的错误,甚至,我是过客,我不曾来过。

7.I discover, so classmate of a lot of Guangzhou does not know Pan Tang teems with horse's hoof cake!我发现,原来很多广州同学都不知道泮塘盛产马蹄糕!

8.I saw her head moving fast and I assume that's when she was hit by the hoof of a cow.我看见她的头快速地摆动,我想那是她被牛蹄踢中了。

9.She was so late that she missed almost all of her favorite class, Algebra II. And her homework was covered in bites and hoof prints.等她赶到学校,已经太晚了,她差点就错过了自己最喜欢的课程——高等代数。她的作业本被啃得不像样,而且还被踩满了蹄印。

10.pot, add water to put round, ready to cook hoof.锅里加水,圆蹄放进去,准备煮。