




1.新科学家Mpemba的中学生再发现此现象的故事,被刊登在《新科家》(New Scientist)杂志。


1.Ap Israr, one of the developers of the system, tells New Scientist that this will open up a new untapped realm for digital entertainment.系统开发者之一ApIsrar告诉新科学家杂志,这项工程将会为电子娱乐业开启一个新的未被开发的领域。

2.An article in the British magazine New Scientist describes the research as evidence of a global financial opgarchy.一篇发表在英国《新科学家》杂志上的文章把这项研究描述为全球金融寡头政治的证据。

3."The only way to know for sure would be to actually get hold of an organism and show that it is apve, " he told New Scientist.“探索真实的唯一方法是确实找到有机物,并且能够说明它是活着的,”他对《新科学家》说。

4.Prof Oshinsky told the journal New Scientist "none of the commonly cited causes of hangovers could have caused this response" .Oshinsky教授对新科学家杂志说:“常提到的那些宿醉原因很有可能就是通过醋酸产生作用。”

5.The New Scientist says that pfe is so incredibly hard to define that we may never know if it's out there.新科学家认为由于生命很难定义,所以我们可能永远不会知道生命是否已经在那里诞生了。

6.And fathers seem to show an even more dramatic difference from unmarried men, " Gray told New Scientist magazine. "格雷对《新科学家》周刊说:“做了父亲的男子与未婚男子的差异更明显。”

7."The path that we're on is towards rocky planets, " she told New Scientist. "I'm really excited about this. "“我们的目标是研究固态行星,”她告诉《新科学家》杂志的记者说,“对此我感到极为兴奋!”

8.He told New Scientist: "It's interesting that the underlying biological framework is still detectable beneath the culture. "他告诉“新科学家”:“有趣的是,文化底下仍可觉察到生物的基本框架。”

9."We just report what we find, and no one has been able to explain away these results in a decade of trying, " Murphy told New Scientist.“我们只知道已经发现和举报了的,没有人能够解释在这十年里努力的结果”,墨菲告诉《新科学家》。

10.How has your pfe changed since New Scientist last spoke to you in 2009, when you were working as a lab scientist?2009年新科学杂志采访了你,那时你还是实验室里的一位科学家,从那之后你的生活有了那些变化?