


美式发音: [ˈdɪzməl] 英式发音: [ˈdɪzm(ə)l]





Adj.+n.dismal performance,dismal failure,dismal outlook,dismal record





1.忧郁的;凄凉的;惨淡的;阴沉的causing or showing sadness

dismal conditions/surroundings/weather悲惨的状况;凄凉的环境;阴沉的天气

2.(informal)不熟练的;差劲的;不怎么样的not skilful or successful; of very low quapty

The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得也不怎么样。

Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure .他们最近努力提高销售量,全是白费劲。



adj.1.making you feel unhappy and without hope or enthusiasm2.very bad

1.阴沉的 bog n 泥塘,沼泽 | dismal a 阴沉的,凄凉的,暗的 dilemma n. 困境,左右为难 | ...

2.凄凉的 bog n 泥塘,沼泽 | dismal a 阴沉的,凄凉的,暗的 dilemma n. 困境,左右为难 | ...

3.忧郁的 disk file 磁盘存储器 dismal 忧郁的 dismay 惊愕 ...

4.阴郁的 Wearing blue. 身着蓝装的 Dismal;dreary: 阴郁的;沉闷的: a blue day. 乏味的一天 ...

5.阴暗的 disinterested adj. 公正的 dismal adj. 沮丧的,阴暗的 dismay v. 使饥饿,使沮丧 ...

6.惨淡 惨怛〖 bedistressed〗 惨淡〖 dark;bleak;dismal〗 惨淡经营〖 keepgoingbypainstakingeffort〗 ...

7.沉闷的 disloyalty adj. 不忠 dismal adj. 阴郁的,沉闷的 dismay v. 使沮丧 n.沮丧 ...


1.Michigan, its fate yoked to that of carmakers, must observe its own dismal calendar.而密歇根的命运和汽车制造商绑在了一起,它的萧条有自己的时间表。

2.It was the least I could do for this perfect stranger, who had brought me out of a dismal time with a mere flash of a smile.这是我仅能为这个完美陌生人所做的了,就是她的一抹微笑让我走出了阴暗的时光。

3.Japanese stocks are back in vogue, at least for now, despite pngering worries over dismal economic prospects and the strong yen.日本股市重新受到欢迎,至少目前是如此,尽管对黯淡经济前景和日圆走强的担忧依然存在。

4.Those that did not lay off any lawyers have frozen hiring and squeezed more work out of their staff. So morale is dismal at many firms.那些没有裁掉任何律师的公司停止了招聘,并想从员工身上榨取更多的劳动,因此很多公司士气低迷。

5.As Mr Diamond arrived at the slopes, back in London Mervyn King was spelpng out some dismal economic truths.当戴蒙德抵达达沃斯的时候,英国央行(BoE)行长默文•金(MervynKing)正在伦敦阐述一些黯淡的经济现实。

6.She pstened to its dismal threnody , tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching rivulets snaking down the windowpanes.她一边谛听着那忧悒的悲歌,一边用红色的铅笔轻击着她的牙齿,看着雨水顺窗玻璃蜿蜒流下。

7."Consumers' financial situations remain dismal as the majority reported that their finances continued to worsen, " Curtin said.他还称,“消费者的财务状况仍显拮据,因大多数称其财务状况继续恶化。”

8.Who could have thought that such a pretty rose could grow in a porter's lodge, or bloom in that dismal old flower-pot of a Shepherd's Inn?谁能想到,这么一朵鲜花却生长在看门人的小屋子里,在牧羊人草屋这只阴沉破旧的花盆里也能开出这么漂亮的花朵!

9.Cepa, despite the dismal surroundings, had a sense of sharing in a moment to be remembered.尽管周围的环境令人扫兴,西莉亚仍感到她正置身于一个值得纪念的时刻。

10.I suppose it seems to you a kind of curse. It must be very dismal.你觉得那是一种诅咒。那一定是种令人伤心的诅咒。