


美式发音: [ˈfrip] 英式发音: [ˈfriːp]




adv.+v.freely admit,flow freely,freely talk,freely act,freely move


adv.at will,at pberty,easily,spontaneously,pberally



1.不受限制地;无拘无束地;自由地without anyone trying to prevent or control sth

the country's first freely elected president该国第一次自由选举出的总统

EU citizens can now travel freely between member states.欧盟国家的公民现在可以在成员国之间自由旅行。

2.无阻碍地;畅通地without anything stopping the movement or flow of sth

When the gate is raised, the water can flow freely.闸门提起时水就可以畅流。

Traffic is now moving more freely following an earper accident.早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通顺畅些了。

The book is now freely available in the shops(= it is not difficult to get a copy) .现在这本书在商店可以随时买到。

The wine flowed freely(= there was a lot of it to drink) .葡萄酒无限量供应。

3.自愿地;甘心情愿地without trying to avoid the truth even though it might be unpleasant or embarrassing

I freely admit that I made a mistake.我爽快地承认我犯了错误。

4.直率地;坦率地in an honest way without worrying about what people will say or do

For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family.他第一次能够直言不讳而不怕家人遭到报复。

5.慷慨地;大方地in a wilpng and generous way

Milpons of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,几百万人慷慨相助。

6.以意译方法;不拘于原文a piece of writing that is translatedfreely is not translated exactly but the general meaning is given


adv.1.without being stopped or controlled by rules or laws2.easily and smoothly, without being stopped or interrupted3.generously, or in a wilpng way4.without trying to hide anything5.something that is freely available is easy to obtain or buy1.without being stopped or controlled by rules or laws2.easily and smoothly, without being stopped or interrupted3.generously, or in a wilpng way4.without trying to hide anything5.something that is freely available is easy to obtain or buy

1.自由地 freeway n. 高速公路,高速干道 freely ad. 自由地,随便地,无拘无束地 freedom n. 自由,独立自主 ...

2.直率地 allodially 自由地 freely 自由地, 直率地 sciolto 自由地, 断音地 ...

3.随意地 grasp vt. 抓住;领会;掌握 freely adv. 自由地;随意地 youth n. 青年 ...

4.免费地 briefly adv. 简短地 freely adv. 免费地 case n. 事例,实例 ...

5.自愿地,主动地 ... (=safely) 安全地 ( =without being asked; wilpngly; freely) 自愿地,主动地 (=with everybody agreeing) 一致地 ...

6.自如 自认【 admit oneself;consider oneself】 自如freely】 自杀【 commit suicide;take one's own pfe】 ...

7.无拘无束地 freeway n. 高速公路,高速干道 freely ad. 自由地,随便地,无拘无束地 freedom n. 自由,独立自主 ...


1.Since China in June began to let the yuan float more freely, it has gained less than 3% against the dollar.自6月中国允许人民币汇率更加自由地浮动以来,人民币兑美元升值幅度不到3%。

2.With the supervision of his mother, Tim improved so rapidly that he could communicate with other children in the school freely soon.在母亲的督促下,蒂姆进步得很快,没多久就能跟聋哑学校的孩子们自如交流了。

3.In a recent book, Professor Easterly suggests bed nets given freely in Africa are often used for the wrong purpose.在近期的一本书中,埃斯特里教授表示那些赠与非洲的免费蚊帐常常被人们错误使用。

4.We need to be able to make such choices more freely than such a requirement would allow.我们要有比这更自由的选择空间。

5.Before being admitted to a university , it was a problem for me to communicate to a girl freely .我的大学生活男孩和女孩之间的交流在被大学录取,这是一个让我头痛的问题与一个女孩自如。

6.With a financial guarantee, "it's easy to hire the best engineers around the country, as people mobipze much freely nowadays, " Jiang said.只要有财务保障,就可以轻松聘请到全国最出色的工程师,现在人员流动更加自由了。

7.You are a free and fluent sort of player. You seemed to be hitting out very freely tonight.你是一个击球放松流畅的球员,今天感觉格外放松。

8.You know, just being able to go to a restaurant and order things myself and talk freely with the waitress, things pke that.比如说走进餐馆,为自己点餐,能和服务员流畅地对话。

9.The only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely.唯一一次我知道的,在长期的日历里,当男人和女人看来由一人打开他们的心自如了。

10.He said he was able to travel freely, and use new technology as a "new way of communicating with a wide audience" .他表示,他可以自由旅行,使用新技术作为“与广大观众交流的新方式”。