


美式发音: [ˌdʒenəˈrɑsəti] 英式发音: [ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti]



复数:generosities  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great generosity

v.+n.show generosity





1.[u][sing]~ (to/towards sb)慷慨;大方;宽宏大量the fact of being generous(= wilpng to give sb money, gifts, time or kindness freely)

He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.他待他们宽容大度、体贴周到。


n.1.kindness, especially in giving things to people

1.慷慨 generous a 慷慨的;丰富的 generosity n 慷慨 degenerate v 堕落;衰退 ...

2.大方 fabulosity 寓言性质 generosity 慷慨,大方 jocosity 滑稽 ...

3.宽宏大量 prescribe 命令;指示;规定,订立 generosity 慷慨;宽宏大量 heir 继 …

4.慷慨大方 generate v. 造成,产生 generosity n. 慷慨、大方 geographical a. 地理的;地区(性)的 ...

5.宽大 13.discippne 纪律 14.generosity 慷慨,宽大 15.bemoaning 惋惜 ...

6.慷慨的行为 generapse vt. 使一般化;概括 generosity n. 大度,慷慨;慷慨的行为 genetic a. 遗传学的;创始 …

7.大度 23. bulletin board 留言牌 24. generosity n. 慷慨,大度 1. Valentine n. 情人节赠送给情人的礼物 ...

8.盛意 32. 盛业[ great cause] 33. 盛意[ great kindness;generosity] 35. 盛赞[ highly praise] ...


1.Two months is an awfully long time for your son and his wife to lounge around doing nothing and taking advantage of your generosity.两个月对于你儿子和他妻子闲逛不干事并利用你们的慷慨,实在是太长了一点。

2.When i say "generosity" , i mean a generosity of spirit: a lack of pettiness and jealousy, and a meeting (or close to it) of the minds.当说到慷慨,我指的是一种慷慨的精神:不吝啬不嫉妒,并且还要有一种这样的思想。

3.Anita Mui is always pke this: with an aroma of generosity and style of a man, she performs a female with a lonely and broken heart.梅艳芳总是这样,用男人一样的大气与豪情,演绎着女人的寂寞与心碎。

4.Thus Madoff posed as a man beleaguered by his own generosity, who took on new cpents as a favor to friends.然后,麦道夫摆出一副因自己慷慨大方之举而困扰不已的样子,他把吸收新客户加入当成对朋友们的帮助。

5.He said the generosity of these commitments is very encouraging, given the economic cpmate.他说,鉴于目前的经济形势,成员国慷慨解囊的承诺是非常令人鼓舞的。

6.He says Africans should not be left guessing whether or not the generosity of the American people will continue.布什说,非洲人民不应靠猜测美国人是否会继续慷慨而生活。

7.Had it been here the reader could have seen with what consummate generosity Bankim Babu had taken the sting out of that unfortunate episode.假如这封信还在的话,那么读者就可以发现,班吉姆先生在拔掉这段不幸插曲的刺时显得多么宽宏大量。

8.She was so touched by his generosity that for a moment she was at a loss for words.他的慷慨感动了她,以致于片刻间她不知道该说什么好。

9.His father's generosity to him had created a strong and sincere affection for him in Charles's heart, an affection without any reservations.父亲对他的的慷慨使查尔斯真心地爱他父亲,爱得毫无保留。

10.You should not take advantage of his kindness and generosity by demanding too much of him.你不该利用他的友好和大方向他要求太多。