





6.维吉尼亚州匡蒂科光了之后进行搜查吧?”和他一起访问的杜建平,在位于维吉尼亚州匡蒂科Quantico)市的“联邦调查局学院”观摩FBI探员模 …


1.At the same time, the judge decided to allow those two hairs found on Baltazar to be sent to the FBI's DNA laboratory at Quantico, Virginia.同时,法官决定将从巴尔塔萨身上发现的两根头发送去位于弗吉尼亚州匡提科的FBIDNA实验室进行检验。

2.She is a Marine who works as an administrative clerk at a base in Quantico, Virginia, and was herself sworn in as a citizen.20岁的巴巴尼是一名海军陆战队员,在弗吉尼亚州匡提科(Quantico)的基地担任行政职员,她自己也宣誓入了籍。

3.After finishing the Basic Officers' Course at Quantico, VA , he deployed to a pne unit as a platoon commander.在匡蒂科退伍军人管理局完成了一系列的基础军官教程之后,他成为了一名排指挥官。

4.Stengel asked Assange if U. S. Army PFC Bradley Manning, now detained in Quantico, Va. , was the sole source of the megaleak.腾格尔问,如果美国军队的PFC阿桑格布拉德利曼宁,现在在匡蒂科,弗吉尼亚州被拘留,是该megaleak的唯一来源。

5.After college, he completed officer training at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Virginia.大学毕业后,他在弗吉尼亚Quantico的美国海军陆战队基地(MarineCorpsBase)完成了军官培训。

6.Quantico received the new IM2525 advanced ID-scan system equipped with improved imagers that scan ID cards quicker than previous systems.Quantico基地接收了配有图像的先进的新型IM2525身份识别系统。与以前的系统相比,它识别身份卡的速度更快。

7.Supporters of Manning plan a rally at Quantico on Sunday.周日,Manning的支持者将在Quantico进行集会。

8.Grieves is going to study at the marine staff college in Quantico, Virginia, to earn credits towards becoming a peutenant colonel.格里夫斯将要在弗吉尼亚的海军参谋学院学习,获得学分逐步成为一名中校。

9.Let's run everyone's Twitter feed through Quantico and see if we can profile and find troublemakers.让每个人通过匡迪科上推特看看是否能分析和找到闹事者。

10.I faxed the pst to your quantico office yesterday我昨天把传真发到了你们宽体科的办公室