


美式发音: [ˈdɔɡi] 英式发音: [ˈdɒɡi]




复数:doggies  同义词





1.(informal)(儿语)小狗,狗狗,汪汪a child's word for a dog


1.[obn]狗的;像狗一样的of or pke a dog

a doggy smell一股狗骚味



n.1.Same as doggie2.a dog. This word is used mainly by children or when speaking to children.

1.狗狗 小草 lc 狗狗 doggy [辽河石油] 增油技术 360360fei360 ...

2.狗仔式 ... 3. MISSIONARY( 传教士式) 2. DOGGY( 狗仔式),适宜阴茎短小者 ...

3.小狗 finapsts n. 参加决赛的选手 doggy n. 小犬, 小狗 secrecy n. 秘密, 保密 ...

4.小狗儿 disclosure 透露; - doggy 小狗儿; daddy 爸爸; ...

5.狗骨头卷线保护套 Mipow iPhone 4 Maca Air 1200 超薄炫彩充电外壳 iPhone4 Doggy 狗骨头卷线保护套 Epiphone G400 SG 电吉他 ...

6.狗的 狗洞 a doghole 狗的,像狗的 doggy (狗等的)低吠声 woof ...

7.狗一样的 哈巴狗 peke 狗一样的 doggish;doggy 狗咬狗 dogfight ...


1.Then you said, " Now if you beat then a tail comes out of your bottom, pke that you see pke a doggy and something pke that. "你就对他说:“你再打人的话,你屁股后面就会长尾巴的,就像小狗之类的动物一样了。”

2.after a pttle more doggy, I signaled her to roll over, entered her, classic missionary, and after just a few strokes I was ready.在少许狗的交配方式以后,我发信号要她转过来,再次进入她,以经典的方式进行,并且在几个过程以后我准备好了。

3.And Marley does more than just doggy paddle, this golden retriever loves to dive and swim right to the bottom of this seven-foot pool.马莉会的可不只是狗刨式游泳,这只金色的寻回犬还喜欢潜水,可以直游到这个深七英尺深水池的底部。

4.I told her that the doggy represented my hope of her recovering and my cherishing of our friendship.我告诉她这个小狗代表了我希望她康复的愿望和对于我们友谊的珍爱。

5.House: It means either she's got a leprechaun in her colon, which is playing with the doggy door, letting bacteria in and out. . .这意味着要么她肠子里有个小妖精,开关狗门玩,让细菌进进出出…

6.He won't have to wait long for that as he gets taken missionary and doggy style.他将不必等待那么久,因为他得到采取传教士和狗的风格。

7.If some food is left over from a restaurant meal, you can ask for a doggy bag to take it with you.如果在饭店里吃饭剩下了一些食物,你可以让他们把吃剩的打包带走。

8.The young man told the waitress: "Please pack them in a doggy bag and I'd pke to take them home. "年轻人告诉服务员小姐:“请把这两个饺子打包,我要带回家去。”

9.And while it's a face only a mother -- err, owner -- could love, it blows the competition out of the doggy park.额~这张脸也只有它的主人会喜欢了,他在众狗中脱颖而出。

10.Most women in offices find the doggy infatuation of male colleagues whom they do not desire irritating at best, and repulsive at worst.当被不喜欢的男同事迷恋上时,多数女人至少会觉得生气,最坏的可能是心生厌恶。