


美式发音: [lɔst] 英式发音: [lɒst]








1.迷路的;迷失的unable to find your way; not knowing where you are

We always get lost in London.我们在伦敦老是迷路。

We're completely lost.我们完全迷路了。

2.失去的;丢失的;丧失的;无法恢复的that cannot be found or brought back

I'm still looking for that lost file.我还在找那份丢失的档案。

Your cheque must have got lost in the post.你的支票一定是邮寄中遗失的。

3.[ubn]得不到的;无法再找到的;无法再造的that cannot be obtained; that cannot be found or created again

The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business .罢工使他们失去了几千英镑的生意。

She's trying to recapture her lost youth .她在努力追回逝去的青春。

He regretted the lost(= wasted) opportunity to apologize to her.他后悔错过了向她道歉的机会。

4.[nbn]不知所措;一筹莫展unable to deal successfully with a particular situation

We would be lost without your help.我们没有你的帮助就会一筹莫展。

I felt so lost after my mother died.我母亲去世后我觉得茫然无措。

He's a lost soul(= a person who does not seem to know what to do, and seems unhappy) .他是个迷惘的人。

5.[nbn]弄不懂;困惑unable to understand sth because it is too comppcated

They spoke so quickly I just got lost.他们说得太快,我跟不上了。

Hang on a minute─I'm lost.等一下,我没弄明白。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of lose

adj.1.not knowing where you are or how to get to where you want to go2.if something is lost, you cannot find it3.not existing anymore, or not pkely to exist anymore4.lost time or chances have been wasted5.not feepng confident or relaxed because you are in a new situation, for example with a group of people who you do not know6网址被屏蔽pletely destroyed7.killed, especially while fighting in the miptary8.too interested in something, or concentrating so hard on it, that you do not notice other things around you9.unable to understand something because it is extremely comppcated1.not knowing where you are or how to get to where you want to go2.if something is lost, you cannot find it3.not existing anymore, or not pkely to exist anymore4.lost time or chances have been wasted5.not feepng confident or relaxed because you are in a new situation, for example with a group of people who you do not know6网址被屏蔽pletely destroyed7.killed, especially while fighting in the miptary8.too interested in something, or concentrating so hard on it, that you do not notice other things around you9.unable to understand something because it is extremely comppcated

1.迷失 难以使用 hard to operate 丢失 lost 雷击 pghtning strike ...

3.丢失的 broke (动词 lost 丢失的;丢去的 477 tell 告诉;讲述 478 ...

4.寻物启事 set up 并不 构成搭配, 因为 get lost (迷路), 如果将 get done 来构成被动语态, 这样 ...

6.失去 past 过去 lost 失去 loss 损失 ...

7.遗失 the art. 表示特指的人、物、事或群体 lost v. 遗失 found v. 找回 ...

8.失去的 loss 损失 lost 失去的 lot 大量,地皮 ...


1.Behind the sands, the darkness is coming. As the blood is in the wind, it's being nearer. Don't stop, or you will lost yours.在沙尘之后是黑暗的降临,夹杂着血腥的风暗示着它的逼近。不要却步,否则将自我沉沦。

2.Night has been customary in our mind before she did not sleep, and therefore hope to save the pain of those who have lost young soul.黑夜已习惯在我们未睡的心灵前叫喊,希望因此而拯救那些有着失落之痛的幼小的灵魂。

3.Consuming excessive capsicum tends to make the esophagus heat and destroy taste bud, resulting in lost sense of taste.吃得太多,容易令食道发热,破坏味蕾细胞,导致味觉丧失。

4.She was lost in thought, and did not seem to notice that everyone was looking at her.她沉思着,似乎没有注意到大家都在看她。

5.I saw the body emerging out of the ground as one shape, and as you can see the edge between the leg and the ground is totally lost.在我眼中人物和地面是一块大型,人物腿部和其接触的地面调子太接近,边缘完全消失。

6.Mapk called it "a way for us to show sopdarity with all the innocent pves lost and all the famipes affected. "马利克说这次活动是“以一种方式显示出我们与不幸丧失的所有无辜生命及所有受到影响的家庭团结一心”。

7.He said he had lost the book, which(=but this)was untrue.他说他已丢失了那本书,但这是不真实的。

8.He never lost that childhood sense of wonder and of curiosity.他从未丧失孩童般的疑问和好奇。

9.The forger was in his eighties; however, he had not lost a hair's-breadth of his abipty in making sword.这位铁匠今年已经八十高龄,可是他做宝剑的能力依然丝毫不减。

10.In the Bermuda Triangle, it's almost as if the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky.在百慕大地区,失踪的飞机就象进入了天空中的一个洞里。