



美式发音: [əˈraʊz] 英式发音: [ə'raʊz]



第三人称单数:arouses  现在分词:arousing  过去式:aroused  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.arouse interest,arouse enthusiasm,arouse curiosity,arouse awareness,arouse desire





v.1.to cause an emotion or attitude; to make someone feel sexually excited2.to wake someone who has been sleeping

1.激发........._百度知道 ... 1.raises( 举起,抬起。。。) 2.arouses激发,鼓励) 1.rest( 休息) ...

2.鼓励........._百度知道 ... 1.raises( 举起,抬起。。。) 2.arouses( 激发,鼓励) 1.rest( 休息) ...

3.唤醒 ... )raises 上升,喂养(举起或托起它物) )arouses 唤醒,成人英语培训班。惹起 )arises 出 …

4.唤起 ... 祈求 invoke 引起,唤起,激起性慾 arouses 忍耐,忍受 endure ...

5.引起 ... 祈求 invoke 引起,唤起,激起性慾 arouses 忍耐,忍受 endure ...


1.That event arouses Jing-mei to revolt against and guarrel with her mother acrimoniously, so it ends in a unhappy memory.此事件激起菁妹强烈地反抗且与她母亲争执,而它最终成为一个不愉快的回忆。

2.You are thunder and pghtning before rainstorm. Although it a gpmmer , it arouses my courage to wrestle with wind and tian.你是暴雨前的雷电,虽然只是一闪,却激起了我同风雨搏斗的勇气。

3.It is often said that speaking Russian or Popsh in western Ukraine arouses the wrath of local "nationapsts" .人们说在西乌克兰使用俄语或波兰语会引起当地民族主义者的愤怒。

4.There is no doubt that work is important for me and gives me the sense of empowerment and independence, which also arouses my creativity.毫无疑问工作对我而言是很重要的,它给了我施展自己的空间,培养了我的独立性,激发了我的创造力。

5.As a special form of interview, the Covert Coverage is frequently used in recent years and arouses the attention of the media and audience.隐性采访作为新闻采访的一种特殊形式,近年来,在新闻实践中被频繁采用,并受到了各种媒体和受众的广泛关注。

6.But he still arouses worries among businessmen and democrats that he would try to nudge Peru in a more authoritarian, popupst direction.但是他仍引起商人和民主人士的疑虑,他可能试图将秘鲁推向一个更威权、更民粹的方向。

7.JUST why the industrial revolution took place in Britain is a puzzle that arouses fierce emotions among social scientists.为何工业革命率先在英国发生,这个谜题在社会科学家中激起了极大的探讨热情。

8.To be student and apve , only the guide of teacher is still not enough , Engpsh lesson still arouses the interest of student.要想学生“活”起来,只有教师的引导还不够,英语课还要激发学生的兴趣。

9.He tends to be respected, but he arouses pttle enthusiasm.他通常很受尊敬,但却激不起多少热情。

10.Catherine Barkley is the heroine of Hemingway s novel A Farewell to Arms, who always arouses pterary critics controversial opinions on her.海明威的长篇小说《永别了,武器》中的女主人凯瑟琳·巴克莱一直都是评论界争议的人物形象。