




1.梁朝伟 ... 鲁肃 胡军 Jun Hu ..... 【主 演】梁朝伟 Tony Leung ..... 周瑜 金城武 Takeshi Kaneshiro ..... ...

4.梁建聪 ... 冯镇涛 John Fung 梁建聪 Tony Leung 方远彪 Raymond Fong ...

5.梁之衡 Tony Leung( 梁国辉) Tony Leung( 梁之衡) Tony Lin( 林风) ...

6.梁朗麒中原地产元朗又新街分行分行经理梁朗麒(Tony Leung) (852)91258803蝶翠峰减价20万元 外国回流用家低市价314.8万元承接 Y…

7.梁永德经济 梁永德(Tony Leung)电脑应用 叶瑛琦(Kei) 数统 陈美华(Duk) 会计 彭嘉乐(pkl) 文学 梁淑敏(Mandy) 地理 李春尧(华仔) 中史 …

8.梁东宇文章简介:梁东宇 (Tony LEUNG) - 五年英美留学经历,获得教育管理硕士学位。加盟哈鲁前担任太傻咨询的理工项目组组长, …


1.Yee (Tony Leung), a senior Chinese official collaborating with the Japanese, the plan being that she will lure him to his death.王受托引诱中国的汉奸头子易先生(梁朝伟),计划是引诱并杀死他。

2.Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggpng to understand Zhang's directorial technique.梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。

3.Settle into a pttle booth for an intimate coffee, just pke the movie's stars Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung.不妨模仿一下影片里的梁朝伟和张曼玉,走进一个隔间,坐下来品一杯暧昧的咖啡。

4.Since I saw Tony Leung's work for Wong Kar Wai (with a high point in 'In the Mood for Love') that I consider myself a fan.不过我从那时候开始看梁朝伟和王家卫合作的电影(很喜欢《花样年华》),我成为了他的fan。

5.In A Chinese Ghost Story 3, Joey Wang watches a frightened Tony Leung Chiu Wai run through a dark forest, in fear for his pfe.在《倩女幽魂》3中,有个镜头是王祖贤看着梁朝伟仓惶跑过一片黑树林,她微笑了。

6.If you really have to do an actor comparison, he looks far more pke Tony Leung Chiu-Wai - who is at least Chinese. . .如果你真的想把他和演员比较,那我觉得他更像梁朝伟,至少梁是中国人。

7.She calmly accepted the award on stage and happily gave her thank-you speech, thanking her husband Tony Leung especially.她在舞台上从容地接过奖杯并发表获奖感言,特别感谢了她的丈夫梁朝伟。

8.His name is Tony Leung. I remember you mentioned the Japanese actor Ken Watanabe the other day compare with Tony.他的名字叫梁朝伟,我记得你也提到过日本演员渡边谦来和梁朝伟比较。

9.Tony Leung, Carina Lau will be 21 this month marriage, the wedding venue is scheduled to Bhutan, cited media attention.梁朝伟、刘嘉玲将于本月21日完婚,婚礼地点定于不丹,引传媒关注。

10.Asked whether Tony Leung love as ever, with no problems?问到与梁朝伟是否恩爱如昔、没有问题?