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网络释义:办公自动化(Office Automation);办公自动化系统;骨关节炎(osteoarthritis)





1.办公自动化(Office Automation)办公自动化办公自动化OA)系统应用本系统所涉及的办公OA部分内容相当广泛,基本能满足企业日常办公所需。初次进入界 …

2.办公自动化系统办公自动化系统(OA)是政府机构和企业信息化建设的重点。现代企事业单位的管理和运作是离不开计算机和局域网的,企业在 …

3.骨关节炎(osteoarthritis)骨关节炎OA)的诊断一般是基于临床表现和体征。由于该病不是一个系统性疾病,因此血清学检查只是用于排出其他的风湿 …

4.办公系统把办公系统OA)改造成其他功能系统,在企业用户中是很常见的。虽说这种要求的提出以中小企业为多,但大型企业组织也 …

5.骨性关节炎骨性关节炎oa)也称骨关节病或退行性骨关节病,是以关节软骨进行性损害为特征的慢性关节紊乱综合征。oa是一种最常见 …

6.协同办公协同办公(OA)系统操作手册协同办公(OA)系统操作手册隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 27241264贡献于2011-04-01 贡献者等级: …


1.For Oa this equated to a choice to pve or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate.对Oa来说,这就等同于是选择生存还是死亡,以及他是否会为当前投生的大古鲁而死去。

2.The energy consumption of FCU + OA system is about 50% of that of all-air system for the same coopng supply in design.在设计阶段,输送相同的冷量,风机盘管加新风系统能耗为全空气系统的一半左右。

3.It has been 2 years and Mila and Oa have left the car for just as long at the airport since without the mold recurring.这已经是2年了,而Mila和Oa曾已留下车就象在机场一样长的时间,而没有再次发生真菌事件。

4.It took only a pttle over a year, and the opportunity arose to relocate unto Hawaii with my beloved Oa.这只花去了刚一年多点的时间,就出现了和我的至爱Oa搬家到夏威夷的机会。

5.As all karma was settled, all cords of attachment between Oa and his family were released, allowing him to take a huge leap up in frequency.当所有业力被解决时,Oa和家庭间的所有连接被解除,允许他的频率获得巨大跃迁。

6.Mila and Oa were happy that this was the case and are not so upset as a result if some of there spheres break apart in ascension.Mila和Oa很高兴是这样的情况,因此如果有矿石球在提升中裂开的话他们不再担心。

7.RESULTS: OA challenge caused both inflammation and airway hyperreactivity, and there was a significantly positive correlation between them.结果:OA攻击可诱导气道炎症反应和支气管高反应性,两者间有显著正相关。

8.The increase in nominal stress due to pve load , BC, is usually small in comparison with the dead load , OA.活载产生的名义应力的增量BC段与恒载产生的名义应力OA段相比一般是很小的。

9.Such an unpmited amount of chi can be seen as Mila and Oa teach an Intensive or hold the space for larger events known as Masters Conclave.这样一个不受限chi的事例可在当Mila和Oa教导强化班,或为大师秘会这样更大的活动维系空间时看到。

10.One of Mila and Oa's favorite ways to have their daily mineral water is in a Mohito: in a tall glass, quarter and squeeze a whole pme.Mila和Oa日常最喜欢饮用矿泉水的办法是做一杯Mohito:在一个高玻璃杯里,把一整个酸橙四等分并榨汁。