

down payment

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复数:down payments  



1.(分期付款的)首期付款;预付金;订金a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment

We are saving for a down payment on a house.我们正攒钱支付买房的首付金。


n.1.a first payment that you make when you are buying something and are going to pay the rest later

1.首期按揭 山姆大叔 Uncle Sam 首期按揭 down-payment 首创精神 pioneering spirit ...

2.首期付款 dormant partner 不参与管理合伙人;隐名合伙人 down-payment 首期付款 draft 汇票 ...

3.首付 房契,产权: title 首付 down-payment 业主 home owner ...

4.首期款在我们心里作凭据。」(林后一22)「凭据」原文是「订金或预缴部份款项」( down-payment ) 的意思,意即圣灵当下的在场乃 …

6.首付款2、首付款 ( Down-payment ): 加国无忧 通常,首付款为房价20%—35%。


1.The best that America's reviled popticians could say was that the deal was a "down payment" on serious future spending cuts.那些被舆论痛斥的政客所能说的最好听的话是,这桩预算案只是未来严厉削减开支计划的预付款而已。

2.How much is the down payment?首期租金是多少?

3.however, this was just a taste, or down payment, of the ultimate fulfillment.然而,这只是终极应验的预尝或预付款。

4.Lower prices have made a home more affordable to those who were conscientious in saving a down payment and are truly ready to purchase.更低的价格让那些有能力用自己的储蓄支付定金,真正准备置业的人得到机会。

5.In Washington, the plan is often described as a down payment on the new green economy.在华盛顿,该计划通常被认为是新的绿色经济的首期付款。

6.On January 26th he made what he called "a down-payment" on those pledges, signing two executive orders concerning greenhouse-gas emissions.一月二十六号,他签署了两项有关温室气体排放的行政命令,并将此举戏称为是对当初那些承诺的“首付款”。

7.Buyers must make at least a 50% down payment on a second home , even if it is their first mortgage .第二套房首付金额至少需达到房屋价值的50%,首次按揭也不例外。

8.The proposed change to a retirement age of 63 from 61 is just a modest down payment.提议要把退休年龄从61岁推延到63岁,不过是微不足道的首期罢了。

9.This year already, authorities have raised the bank reserve requirement twice and increased the required down payment on land purchases.今年以来,中国官方已两次上调银行存款准备金率,还提高了参与竞拍土地前需缴纳的保证金比例。

10.This week's German plan to set up several bad banks was no more than a down payment on the restructuring ahead.德国本周设立几家“坏账银行”的计划不过是为将来的重组预付定金罢了。