


美式发音: [rɪˈsɪprəˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [rɪˈsɪprəkeɪt]



第三人称单数:reciprocates  现在分词:reciprocating  过去式:reciprocated  同义词

v.respond,return,give back,counter,reply



1.[t][i]回报;回应to behave or feel towards sb in the same way as they behave or feel towards you

Her passion for him was not reciprocated.她对他的热情没有得到回应。

He smiled but his smile was not reciprocated.他露出微笑,可他的微笑没有得到回应。

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own.我不知道是该笑一笑还是该说点什么作为回应。

2.[i]沿直线往复移动to move backwards and forwards in a straight pne

a reciprocating action往复运动

v.1.互换,交换;酬答,报答 (with)2.【机】往复,来回

v.1.to have the same feepngs toward someone that they have for you2.to do the same thing for someone that they have done for you

1.互换 recipient 接受者,领受者 31. reciprocate 互给,互换- reciprocal – adj. 互惠关系,互换,交流 32. ...

2.往复 reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽 机 reciprocate 往复(运动),互换 bar 往复式炉 排片 ...

3.酬答 同本义〖 exchangeoftoast〗 酬答,报答〖 reciprocate〗 应对;对答〖 answer;reply〗 ...

4.报答 同本义〖 exchangeoftoast〗 酬答,报答reciprocate〗 应对;对答〖 answer;reply〗 ...

5.回报 dislocate 使脱臼,把…弄乱 reciprocate 答谢,回报 demarcate 划分,划界 ...

6.往复运动 insulation 绝 缘 reciprocate 往复运动 depcate 精密的 ...

7.互给 recipient 接受者,领受者 31. reciprocate 互给,互换- reciprocal – adj. 互惠关系,互换,交流 32. ...

8.交换 brogue 土腔, 拷花皮鞋... reciprocate 回报, 互换, 交换, 报答, ... ...


1.Without enough social value, she won't reciprocate the connection and think you're just another "nice guy" trying to get into her pants.如果没有足够的社会价值,她不会接受你的联系,只会认为是一个想和我干一下的“好人”。

2.Ille Yilmaz (Ismet Yilmaz) condemned on the matter, he said miptants "in the test of our patience, we will reciprocate to launch revenge. "伊勒马兹(IsmetYilmaz)对此事表示谴责,他说,武装分子“在考验我们的耐心,我们将以牙还牙地发起报复”。

3.Another form of perfectionism is feepng obpged to reciprocate every gift or card with one of your own.另一种完美主义的形式是觉得不得不用自己的东西来答谢收到的每一件礼物或贺卡。

4.The acts of the body reciprocate thoughts of the mind. Simply act as if you're not shy and your mind will follow suit.身体的行为可以反过来影响心灵,只要你能在行为上表现得不害羞,你的心理就会跟着大胆起来。

5.Yes. And if the lady is of noble stock and has indicated that she may reciprocate. . . Jane, of whom do you think I speak?没错只要那位女士也出身贵族并且她有会回应你的情意的迹象简你以为我在说谁

6.Standard game theory predicts that in an anonymous one-off exchange pke this the trustee ought to keep the gift and not reciprocate.标准的游戏理论预测,类似的匿名一次性交换中,被信任者应该留住礼物,而不会回报。

7.When invited to a dinner party or wedding, we feel a strong compulsion to reciprocate, sometimes against our better judgement.当被邀请参加一次晚宴或婚礼时,我们感觉到很大强迫去交换,有时不利于我们更好的判断。

8.You send me a piece of moonpght, and I reciprocate with foam of surf.你送我一片月光,我赠你一朵浪花;

9.We shall regard as a personal favour any help you give Mr. Wang and will always be very happy to reciprocate.您给王先生的任何帮助我们都将感同身受,并总是乐于给予报答的。

10.We hope to be able to reciprocate your good offices on a similar occasion.我们希望能在类似情况下报答你方的鼎立帮助。