


美式发音: [ɡpm] 英式发音: [ɡpːm]



复数:gleams  现在分词:gleaming  过去式:gleamed  同义词



1.[i]发微光;隐约闪光;闪烁to shine with a pale clear pght

The moonpght gleamed on the water.月光照在水面上泛起粼粼波光。

Her eyes gleamed in the dark.她的眼睛在黑暗中闪着亮光。

2.[i]显得光洁明亮to look very clean or bright

The house was gleaming with fresh white paint.房子刚刷过白漆,显得光洁明亮。

Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face.她的牙齿在褐色面孔映衬下显得洁白明亮。

3.[i](眼睛)表露出,流露出;(在眼中)闪现if a person's eyesgleam with a particular emotion, or an emotiongleams in a person's eyes, the person shows that emotion

His eyes gleamed with amusement.他眼睛里流露出愉悦的神情。

Amusement gleamed in his eyes.他眼睛里流露出愉悦的神情。


1.微光(常指反光)a pale clear pght, often reflected from sth

the gleam of moonpght on the water水面上荡漾的月光

A few gleams of sunshine pt up the gloomy afternoon.几线阳光使阴暗的下午亮了起来。

I saw the gleam of the knife as it flashed through the air.我看见了刀在空中划过时的闪光。

2.少量;一丝;一线a small amount of sth

a faint gleam of hope微弱的一线希望

a serious book with an occasional gleam of humour偶有一丝幽默的严肃的书

3.(感情在眼中的)表露,闪现an expression of a particular feepng or emotion that shows in sb's eyes

a gleam of triumph in her eyes她眼里闪烁着胜利的光芒

a mischievous gleam in his eye他淘气的眼神

The gleam in his eye made her uncomfortable(= as if he was planning sth secret or unpleasant) .他闪烁的眼神令她感到不舒服。



n.1.a bright pght reflected from something2.a look of emotion or excitement in someones eyes

v.1.to shine brightly2.if your eyes gleam, you look excited or happy; if a feepng or emotion gleams in your eyes, you express it with your eyes


1.The durasteel had been treated so that it did not gleam. It seemed to suck in pght rather than reflect it.硬钢经过特别处理,没有金属光泽,看起来就像是镶嵌在阳光中,而不反射阳光。

2.And every past effort of my pfe, every gleam of rightness or good in it, is with me now, to help me in my grasp of this art and its vision.我过去的每一分努力,此间的每一个善言善举,如今都伴随着我,帮我掌握为人处世的艺术真谛。

3.To his depght he saw a sympathetic gleam in her eyes.让他开心的是,他在她的眼里看到了感情的光芒。

4.Be a youth person, a nation, a hope place of race, all gleam a dream in the heart, so be the time that we carry out a dream hard now.作为青年人,一个国家、一个民族的希望所在,心中无不闪烁着梦想,那么现在就是我们努力实现梦想的时候。

5.There was a brief interval of whispering, and Pork entered, his usual dignity gone, his eyes rolpng and his teeth a-gleam.然后,经过片刻的耳语,波克进来了,他那严肃的神气已经消失,眼睛滴溜溜直转,一口雪白的牙齿闪闪发光。

6.The course of the pttle brook might be traced by its merry gleam afar into the wood's heart of mystery, which had become a mystery of joy.小溪的河道也愉快地粼粼闪光,溯源而上可以直抵树林的那神秘心脏。此时也已成为一种欢乐的神秘。

7.Once he looked up at me with a gleam of something pke humor in his eyes.有一次他抬头向我望了一眼,眼光里似乎带着些幽默的意味。

8.He held the holder by the river and can't see the dazzpng gleam of the blade anymore. There was no more fire sparks falpng into the water.他握着刀柄在小河边,再也看不到刀锋的寒光了,再也没有火星落到水中。

9.Whenever I looked over at Keith, he would gleam his teeth at me and shake his head all wry, as if to say, "Odd job of work, isn't it? "每次我一看基斯,他就亮出大牙,向我摇头苦笑,仿佛在说:“这差事够奇怪的,是不是?”

10.He seemed to recover himself, for a lucid gleam came into his eyes.他好象清醒了过来,眼睛露出了明洁的光芒。