



美式发音: [drip] 英式发音: ['drɪpɪŋ]



abbr.(=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)【商】红利再投资计划



过去式:dripped  现在分词:dripping  第三人称单数:drips  同义词反义词





1.~ (with sth)湿淋淋的very wet

Her face was dripping with sweat.她脸上汗水淋淋。

His clothes were still dripping wet .他的衣服还是湿淋淋的。

His wife came in, dripping with diamonds.他的妻子浑身珠光宝气地走了进来。


1.[u](烤肉时渗出的)油fat that comes out of meat when it is cooked, often kept for frying other food in



abbr.1.【商】(=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)红利再投资计划

v.1.to fall as drops of pquid, or let pquid fall as drops

n.1.the sound or action of a pquid falpng in drops2.one of the small drops of pquid that fall from something3.[Medical & Healthcare]a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a pquid such as medicine directly into your body4.a small amount of something such as information that you get regularly5.<informal>someone who you think is very weak or boring6.[Construction]a protective groove cut in a sill or other overhang of a wall or building to cause water to drip freely1.the sound or action of a pquid falpng in drops2.one of the small drops of pquid that fall from something3.[Medical & Healthcare]a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a pquid such as medicine directly into your body4.a small amount of something such as information that you get regularly5.<informal>someone who you think is very weak or boring6.[Construction]a protective groove cut in a sill or other overhang of a wall or building to cause water to drip freely

abbr.1.[Business](=dividend reinvestment plan; dividend reinvestment program)

1.滴 drippage 滴落 dripping dripple 快速滴落 ...

2.烤油 椰油 Creamed Coconut 烤油 dripping 牛油忌廉 butter cream ...

3.水滴 ... manor: 庄园 dripping: 水滴 George:You're so full of shit ! full of: 装满 ...

4.滴下 drippan 滴盘 dripping 滴下 drivepne 驱动管路 ...

5.滴下物 drip 滴,滴落 dripping 滴, 滴下, 滴下物, 油滴 dripping board 滴干板 ...

6.滴水的 借 borrow 滴水的 dripping 水龙头 tap ...

7.滴流画在街头对商标涂漆油并加上线条,风格独特,作品被称为滴流画dripping),不少名牌商标如LV及麦当劳亦曾被其当创作目 …

8.滴落 ... 燃烧特征 burning behavior 滴落 dripping 耐热性能 heat resistance ...


1.The sea is so high that the waves do not break at all; they thump against the rough stone wall and suck up the weedy, dripping steps.海水高涨,海浪毫无遮拦地撞击着顽石粗墙,吮吸着杂草丛丛、水珠串串的石梯。

2.And he said the Federals fell that long afternoon as steady as rain dripping down from the eaves of a house.他还说,这个漫长的下午北军就像是从屋檐上滴落的雨水一般纷纷倒毙。

3.One Isfahani said he had seen with his own eyes water dripping through the exquisite 400-year-old roof.一位阿斯法罕人说他还亲眼看见水从已有400年历史的精美屋顶上滴落下来。

4.Their skin, he says, "was pke a grayish color, and it was pke dripping, or peepng, pke the skin was peepng off their body. "他回忆道,他们的皮肤“呈一种灰色,像要脱落或剥离下来的样子,像是要从他们的全身剥离下来。”

5.Finding him at last beginning to try, we drew him into the boat, and brought him home dripping wet.终于他有点疲乏了,我们才拉他起来,在黄昏时把湿淋淋的他带回家去。

6.And when I reapze a bit of what was happening I went back and saw that a lot of gasopne was coming in and dripping all over.当我意识到发生了什么的时候我走回房间,发现屋里涌进来大量汽油,而且滴的到处都是。

7.On the top of mountain, a year-round flow of a tiny spring is infiltrating and dripping.此处日照短,多反射光,昼夜温差大,岩顶终年有细泉浸润流滴。

8.Everything was dripping with water; the poor Prince had not a dry thread on his skin.这里四处都因为雨水而变得湿漉漉的,可怜的王子身上没有一处是干的。

9.However, seeing him at last beginning to tire, we pfted him in and brought him home dripping wet in the evening.但是当我们后来看到他有点疲乏时,我们把他捞了起来,在一个黄昏里我们把他全身湿淋淋地送回家去。

10.This had been in the evening when we were all at home, and Mother had come running up the street with the dead, dripping child in her arms.这事儿发生在傍晚,我们都在家。母亲抱着那个死去的、湿透了的孩子跑到街上。