



美式发音: [spaɪ] 英式发音: [spaɪ]




复数:spies  过去式:spied  现在分词:spying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.convict spy


v.snoop,nose around,watch,eavesdrop,spot

n.secret agent,double agent,mole,infiltrator,plant



1.间谍;密探a person who tries to get secret information about another country, organization or person, especially sb who is employed by a government or the police

He was denounced as a foreign spy.有人告发他是外国间谍。

a police spy警方密探

a spy plane/satellite(= used to watch the activities of the enemy)间谍飞机╱卫星

Video spy cameras are being used in public places.隐蔽的摄像机在监视着公共场所。


1.[i]从事间谍活动;搜集情报to collect secret information about another country, organization or person

He spied for his government for more than ten years.他做过十多年的政府间谍。

2.[t]~ sb/sth突然看见;发现to suddenly see or notice sb/sth

In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.在远处,我们突然第一次看到了太平洋。

IDMspy out the land(事先)摸清情况,窥察虚实to collect information before deciding what to do



n.1.someone whose job is to find out secret information about a country or an organization; involving spies or their activities

v.1.to work as a spy2.to notice someone or something

1.间谍honors):花费一定金钱以提高忠诚度.  还有间谍(spying)的使用方法比较特殊,要让间谍有不同的职业只要先让他进入相应的建筑 …

2.间谍活动 spying 间谍 spying间谍活动, 侦探 spring 春天 ...

3.刺探如何使用档案倾印(dumping)工具和 API 刺探spying)工具,以及如何检验反组译码,找出诸如区域变数、函式参数、if …

4.间谍行为 responsibility U 责任,责任心;C职责,任务,负担 spying 从事间谍活动 stimulates 刺激 ...

6.侦探 spying 间谍 spying: 间谍活动, 侦探 spring 春天 ...

7.侦探活动源管理软体 Espionage  间谍 非法的秘密侦探活动spying);这里指的是以非法的手段来收集资讯,或者收集资讯 本身就是 …

8.侦查侦查Spying):派出一名或者多名忍者,侦查某位目标玩家。成功后,忍者会潜伏在对方领地中,为我方提供各项资料,其 …


1.The FBI is investigating the scandal and the Senate is to look at proposed legislation that would make it a crime to use webcams for spying.FBI正在调查这件丑闻,参议院也准备立法来给利用摄像头的间谍行为定罪。

2.The former chairman of one of Germany's largest companies says spying "is all the fault of co-determination" .一家德国大型企业的前任董事长表示,间谍活动“应完全归咎于共同决议制”。

3.Daphne Batts sometimes wonders if practical jokers with hidden cameras are spying on her as she interviews people for jobs at Bankrate Inc.芙妮•贝茨(DaphneBatts)有时会想,当她在BankrateInc。面试求职者的时候,会不会有喜欢恶作剧的人用暗藏的照相机偷拍她的一举一动呢?

4.But there is a heavy cost. Spying infringes everyone's freedom, everyone's privacy, not just that of the enemy.但他们也需要付出巨大的代价,因为间谍活动并非只针对敌人,侵犯的是所有人的自由和隐私。

5.Spying infringes everyone's freedom, everyone's privacy, not just that of the enemy.间谍侵犯了每个人的自由,每个人的隐私,不只是敌人的。

6.Robbins said he did not know why the spying device was activated as his laptop had not been reported stolen or missing.Robbins说在他的笔记本没有报告被偷窃或是丢失时,他不知道他里面的间谍系统被激活了。

7.They and their colleagues were all over the city, spying on their countrymen.他们和他们的同党正在城里四处监视本国国民。

8.Unluckily spying his own figure in the glass, he made a spring over the tea table that stood under it.不幸他在镜中窥见了自己的影子,起身跃过镜子下的茶几。

9.My fellow changelings and I had been spying on the boy for months, so I knew the contours of my new home at the edge of the forest.我和我的换生灵同伴们监视了这个男孩好几个月,所以我在森林边就知道新家的轮廓。

10.His case was one of the first of a wave of spying charges against Russian academics that critics claimed were trumped up.苏佳金的案件是一系列针对俄罗斯学者的间谍控告中的第一批之一。