


美式发音: [ˈliˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈliːweɪ]







1.自由活动的空间the amount of freedom that you have to change sth or to do sth in the way you want to

How much leeway should parents give their children?父母应该给孩子多少自由的空间?

IDMmake up leeway摆脱逆境;(尤指)弥补损失的时间to get out of a bad position that you are in, especially because you have lost a lot of time


n.1.the amount of freedom that someone has to make their own decisions or to take action

1.余地 余存[ remainder;balance] 余地[ leeway;margin;room] 余毒[ residual poison;pernicious influence] ...

2.风压差 leeway 风压差 leeway 风压漂移;风压差 left elevation 左视图 ...

3.偏航 leeward 上风面;背风 leeway 偏航 left lugggetting old 存放行李 ...

4.灵活性 leewardmost 最下风的 leeway 灵活性 left arrow 左箭头键 ...

5.风压偏航 413 泄漏损失 leakage loss 414 风压偏航 leeway 416 救生具 life preserver ...

6.活动余地 lecturer 演讲者,讲师 leeway 活动余地 left 左的 ...

7.余裕 Buffer= cushion 起袄冲作用的人或物 Leeway 余地,余裕 Product 袄品 ...


1.This has involved giving a bit of leeway to freethinking individuals, but occasionally punishing those seen as straying too far.这个包括了给自由思想者一些余地,然而偶尔对这些人的惩罚显示这些人走得太远了。

2.To Leave Some Leeway is the necessary requisition of a general idea of New programme.留白是新课程理念的必然要求,对学生自主学习有重要意义。

3.You can have a bit of leeway here, but make sure that you don't end up letting work run your life.这样的话,当你周末走出办公室的时候就不会觉得工作没有做完了。

4.Why do you think your magazine seems to enjoy more leeway than other Chinese publications?伊恩.约翰逊:是什么让您认为您主编的《炎黄春秋》杂志比中国的其他出版物有更大的回旋余地呢?

5.The stalker currently operates with a wide amount of leeway, fenced in to a certain extent by the 1997 Protection from Harassment Act.由于1997年防骚扰保护法将其限定在某一限度内,使得骚扰嫌疑人目前在实施犯罪时,会有很大的灵活度。

6.Furthermore, because of the "ample margin of safety" requirement, the agency believed it had no leeway to consider feasibility.再者,因为“充分的安全限度问题”,机构相信,也没有余地考虑可行性。

7.Full operating equipment almost no let person test or to adopt new technology of leeway.全套经营设备几乎没有让人试验或采用新技术的余地。

8.This means most of Chinese agriculture are small holdings, not the U. S. -style super-farms with great leeway for economies of scale.换句话说,中国的农业生产大都采取小农经济的形式,而非美国那种存在规模经济效应的超大农场形式。

9.Widespread, though not ubiquitous, signs around the city urge drivers to "share the road" and give cyclists three feet leeway.城市里尽是敦促驾驶人员给自行车“让道”并空出三英尺余地的标识,虽然没有处处皆是,但也分布很广。

10.But she says that the financial leeway provided by the hair salon gave her the time to learn from her mistakes in retail.但她说,发廊生意为她提供了在挫折中学习的机会,得以继续从事零售业务。