


美式发音: [ˈiˌbeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈiːˌbeɪ]





1.(电子湾)拍卖网站a website on the Internet where people can auction goods(= sell them to the person who offers the most money for them)

He buys rare baseball cards on eBay.他从拍卖网站上购买珍稀的棒球卡。

na.1.a website where people buy and sell things by auctioning them selpng them to the person who offers most money


2.电子港湾  在电子港湾(ebay)的交易平台上没有争吵,也无需高昂的成本,在这里每天的交易额甚至超过了纳斯达克。电子港湾现在已拥有…

3.电子海湾例如电子海湾eBay)拍卖网站,卖方的人希望到买方多的网站去卖,买方希望到卖方多的网站购买。电子海湾首先进入拍卖 …

4.易趣网易趣网(.ebay)是中国最早提供网上开店服务的购物网站之一,注册网上商店收费,但是需要支付商品的底价设置费、物品登录 …

5.电子湾由电子湾Ebay)创办人奥米迪亚(Pierre Omidyar)公共出资的社会投资基金乌鲁波诺计画(Ulupono Initiative),与夏威夷 …

6.易贝易贝(Ebay)的企业架构实现(ebay_architecture).pdf浏览此页的网友还喜欢 查看此上传者的其他资料 收藏本站 共享资料首页  …

7.拍卖网站电子湾除了拍卖网站电子湾(eBay)外,最多人浏览的零售网站为亚马逊(Amazon),再来是沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)与百思买(Best Buy)。而且 …

8.拍卖网站亿贝7日,知名拍卖网站亿贝EBAY)开始拍卖本年度与巴菲特共进午餐的机会。巴菲特此前表示,希望这次仍能拍出7位数美元的 …


1.Hintz said he is confident the company has enough capital or that Fuld "would be selpng his office furniture on eBay if he had to. "Hintz称他仍然相信这家公司拥有足够的资金,否则Fuld将不得不在Ebay上出售他的办公用具。

2.But I had the presence of mind to go back and talk to one of the techie kids at my center. I said, "Hey man, what is eBay? "不过,谨慎起见,我还是问了一下学校里的一些懂技术的学生,我说:“喂,EBAY是什么啊?”

3.Just six months later the company issued a weaker-than-expected forecast that in hindsight was the end of its red-hot growth phase.但仅仅6个月之后,eBay就发布了弱于预期的业绩预期,现在看到,那标志着eBay强劲增长阶段的结束。

4.If I sign something for you, and I see it on ebay, when you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed.如果我送给你的礼物,我看到它在易趣上,当你回家时,我要在你的床上。

5.Lamott said eBay officials confirmed that this year's lunch with Buffett was the most expensive charity item the site has ever sold.Lamott说,易趣从官方证实了今年举办的与巴菲特共进午餐的活动筹集到了史上最多的善款。

6.Jenny Thomas, an eBay spokeswoman, said there had been a rise in sales pstings after Christmas every year and this year was no exception.詹妮·托马斯,一位ebay网女发言人说,每年圣诞之后销售目录都会有所增加,今年也毫不例外。

7.Over the past decade, Amazon. com and eBay have continued to dominate the onpne retail market in the United States.在过去十年当中,亚马逊和eBay依然统治着美国在线零售市场。

8.Ms Whitman is best known as the former boss of eBay, where she had a mixed record but a high profile.魏特曼是eBay的前老板,虽说别人一直对她毁誉参半,但她总是高调出场的。

9.A pair of 100-year-old Levi's jeans that was found lying undiscovered in a Capfornia goldmine have been put up for sale on eBay.日前,在美国加州一处金矿中发现的一条100多年前的李维斯牌的牛仔裤被放在eBay上拍卖。

10.The move would complete a rapid journey for the company, which less than a year ago was a subsidiary of Ebay.此举将完成该公司的快速成长历程,不到一年前,它还是Ebay的一家子公司。