




1.雪天 “雪季”: snowy season 雪天: Snowy day “雪天”: snowy day ...

2.下雪天 08 阴天 Cloudy Day 10 下雪天 Snowy Day 12 气温 Temperature ...

3.下雪天的表达 ... 钢青色图片 electric blue 多雪日子图片 Snowy Day 1 给打电话图片 Phone 4 ...


1.It was a snowy day and a small girl was making her way down the street. holding a box of matches in her hand.一个下雪天,一个小女孩在街上走着。她手里拿着一盒火柴。

2.He must be out of his mind, wearing a jacket on a snowy day.他一定疯了,在下雪的日子里穿一件夹克衫。

3.On a snowy day, we do not use an umbrella. Hand in hand we stroll in the snow, could we do this till death?在下雪天,我们不打伞,手牵手在雪中漫步,是否我们就能一直到白头呢?

4.Peter, the main character in "The Snowy Day, " is a kid pke any other.彼得是《雪天》的主角,是和其他的孩子一样的普通人。

5.On a snowy day in the onetime capital, the coir raincoat of my hometown in the south occurred to me.在故都的某个雪天里,突然想到老家江南的蓑衣来了。

6.Rice gruel prepared for the troupe by students at Syracuse University on a snowy day warmed the cockles of their hearts.下雪天吃著雪城大学同学准备的稀饭,「民风乐府」的每个团员心里都暖烘烘的。

7.The pttle children are sent home from school early on a snowy day.下雪天学校提前送小孩子们回家。

8.It was a cold snowy day, The xies together with their peers to talk about poetry.一个寒冷的雪天,谢太傅把家人聚集在一起,跟子侄辈们谈论诗文。

9.At dusk of a snowy day, we arrived in Sanmenxia City from Luoyang.一个风雪天,我们从洛阳继续西行,傍晚到了三门峡。

10.winter snowy day Teacher, you care if this furnace carbon deep, give us infinite warm, how can we not thank you?教员,您的关切如这炉炭的殷红,给我们无限的暖和,我们怎么能不感谢您?