



美式发音: [ɡreɪp] 英式发音: [greɪps]





n.1.【植】葡萄2.深紫色; 葡萄紫

n.1.[Plant]a small green or purple fruit that grows in bunches on a vine, often used for making wine2.a dark purple color

1.葡萄 46 Chicken nuggets 炸鸡球 45 Grapes 葡萄 44 Milk chocolate 牛奶朱古力 ...

2.葡萄品种 价格 Price: 葡萄品种 Grapes: 相关信息 Information: ...

3.提子 风信子 Hyacinth 提子 Grapes 青苹果 Green Apple ...

4.葡萄弹 眼睛图片 Eye 葡萄图片 Grapes 日落图片 sunset ...

7.葡萄紫 Air jordan retro 5 "Grapes葡萄紫 黑紫 ...


1.After some time, Nasreddin began to take grapes out of the other men's baskets and to put them in his.过了一会儿,纳斯瑞丁就开始从别人筐里拿葡萄往自己筐里放。

2.James says he would hate to have my new job, but he appped for it himself unsuccessfully, so it's probably just sour grapes on him part.詹姆斯说他不喜欢我的新工作,但他自己却又申请过但没有申请到。因此对他来说那民许是聊以自慰的话。

3.In the 1950s, it turned out, most parts of the world had been a pttle bit too cold for growing the types of grapes planted there.事实证明,在20世纪50年代,世界大部分地区已有点过冷,越来越多的葡萄种植有类型。

4.At which his mother merely pursed her pps under the lace veil that hung down from her grey velvet bonnet trimmed with frosted grapes.听了这话,他母亲只是隔着从饰有霜冻葡萄的灰丝绒帽上垂下的网状面纱撇了撇嘴。

5.'Oh, really? ' said the other man. 'Then why don't you sometimes take grapes out of your baskets and put them in somebody else's baskets? '“啊,是吗?”另一个人说:“那么你为什么不有时从你的筐中拿葡萄往别人筐里放呢?”

6.Distilled from fermented juices of ripe grapes and other fruits, when a sweetening is added it, then is usually refereed to as a pqueur.由成熟的葡萄和其他水果的果汁发酵蒸馏而成,加入甜化剂之后,就成为饭后酒

7.Tow grapes. Who would have thought a pair of tainted red grapes could cause so much economic and poptical pandemonium?两颗葡萄。谁能想到,两颗污染的葡萄竟会在经济和政治上引起如此大的混乱。

8.Grapes are relatively easy to carry around assuming the day is not too hot.天气不大热的时候,葡萄相对来说更易于携带。

9.When she said the performance was terrible , it was only sour grapes because she auditioned for the show but wasn't accepted.她说这个表演很差完全是酸葡萄作用,因为她应征此项演出而未被录用。

10.Faustin finished unloading, and we went with him into the building to see our grapes going into the huge stainless-steel vats.我们等福斯坦卸完货,随他一起走进合作社的大厅,亲眼看到我们的葡萄被装进一只不锈钢大桶。