


网络释义:互联网服务器应用程序接口(Internet Server Apppcation Program Interface);应用程序编程接口


1.互联网服务器应用程序接口(Internet Server Apppcation Program Interface)  2、ISAPIInternet Server Apppcation Program Interface)是微软提供的一套面向WEB服务的API接口,它能实现CGI提供的全 …

2.应用程序编程接口Internet 服务器应用程序编程接口 (ISAPI) 扩展支持使用 ISAPI 扩展进行动态 Web 内容开发。ISAPI 扩展在请求时运行,就像 …


1.This web server error can occur when you are trying to access the Cognos Express Gateway ISAPI module running on a 64-bit server machine.当您试图访问一台64位机器上运行的CognosExpressGatewayISAPI模块时,就可能会出现这个错误。

2.Specifies whether or not to unload the ISAPI extension associated with the virtual directory before deploying.指定在部署前是否卸载与虚拟目录关联的ISAPI扩展。

3.If you install the ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters setup components, you will be able to run your extensions and filters as before.如果安装ISAPI扩展和ISAPI筛选器安装组件,就能够像以前那样运行您的扩展和筛选器。

4.The maximum stack size of a thread is not determined by an individual ISAPI, DLL, or ASP component that is running inside the process.线程的最大堆栈大小是不由单个ISAPI、DLL或ASP组件进程内运行。

5.You do not need to register the ISAPI extension as the handler for a file extension if you never use it.如果根本不使用ISAPI扩展,就不必将其注册为文件扩展名的处理程序。

6.Give permissions to Run scripts if the directory contains server response files and the ISAPI extension is registered as a script engine.如果目录包含服务器响应文件,且ISAPI扩展注册为脚本引擎,则给予“运行脚本”权限。

7.The rate at which Internet Server Apppcation Programming Interface (ISAPI) extension requests are received by the Web service.Web服务收到Internet服务器应用程序编程接口(ISAPI)扩展请求的速率。

8.ISAPI extensions are designed to generate the response for a request to a particular file type.ISAPI扩展被设计为可以响应针对特定文件类型的请求。

9.Generates an ISAPI extension DLL that contains the code necessary to dispatch HTTP requests to request handlers in Web apppcation DLLs.生成ISAPI扩展DLL,它包含向Web应用程序DLL中的请求处理程序分配HTTP请求所必需的代码。

10.This article explains the ASP technology and its method of implementation, and compares its characteristics with those of CGI and ISAPI.本阐述了ASP技术及其实现方法,对ASP技术与网关及服务器扩展模式的不同特点进行了比较。