


美式发音: [ˌfukuˈjɑmə] 英式发音: [ˌfukuˈjɑ:mə]



un.1.city on the Inland Sea in Hiroshima Prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan.

1.福山 三段峡 sandankyo 福山 fukuyama 八幡高原 hachiman-kogen ...

2.富山 (Tonica 托尼卡, (Fukuyama 富山, (Lester 莱斯特, ...

3.福山通运 Fukuoka 福冈日本亚洲 Fukuyama 福山日本亚洲 Fuzhou 福州中国亚洲 ...

5.福山型e) 福井(Fukui) 福冈(Fukuoka) 福岛(Fukuyama) 297 224 297 215 204 335 530 238 204 220 245 205 岐阜(Gifu) 滨松(Hamam…


1.Fukuyama seems to be warning that, in Darwinian terms, the Chinese system may be more adaptive than the land of the free.福山好像实在达尔文主义的基础上警告中国制度比美国这片自由之地更具有适应能力。

2.But there was no straight path from the early claims of rights-bearing citizens to the full modern state, Mr. Fukuyama notes.福山注意到,要从早期的权利分担的公民社会发展到现代国家,并没有终南捷径可走。

3.Over the years, Fukuyama has scampered across the world's chalkboard pke an intellectual chameleon.多年来,福山象一条知识界的变色龙,游遍世界的版图。

4.A lack of genuinely accountable government, Mr. Fukuyama says, kept China in a sort of suspended animation.福山还说,中国缺乏真正对老百姓负责的政治体制,这让他们一直停留在僵化的状态。

5.Francis Fukuyama: You got to know the Chinese leadership when you were at Goldman Sachs, well before you came to be Treasury Secretary.弗朗西斯·福山(以下称福山):就任财长之前,你在高盛任职时,就曾为中国领导层所知。

6.Francis Fukuyama, one of the US's great thinkers, points out that the nation's love for guns is not just about personal protection.美国伟大的思想家之一弗朗西斯·福山指出,这个民族对于枪支的热衷远远超过了出于个人保护的目的。

7.Once upon a time, Fukuyama would have been part of the gang.曾几何时,福山会是这帮人中的一员。

8.A one-page letter sits on the kitchen table and Fukuyama's leaning back in his chair, avoiding it.桌上躺着一页纸的信,福山仰靠在椅中,避免看它。

9.The fact is there's nowhere to turn except to what Mr. Fukuyama calls the model based on inherent legitimacy.事实是你无法反驳福山先生所说的基于内在合法性的模式。

10.Fukuyama seems to be a warning, according to Darwin's view, the Chinese system may be more adaptive than the free country.福山似乎是在警告,按达尔文的说法,中国的制度可能比自由国度更具适应性。