


美式发音: [ˈtraɪˌpɑd] 英式发音: [ˈtraɪpɒd]






1.(照相机、望远镜等的)三脚架a support with three legs for a camera, telescope , etc.

n.1.三脚台,三脚桌子[凳子];三脚架;(三足)鼎,三脚香炉;【希史】Delphi 的青铜三脚祭坛;Delphi 祭坛模型2.【摄】三脚架

n.1.an object with three legs that is used for supporting something such as a camera

1.三脚架 徕卡 Leica 三脚架 Tripod 相机包 Camera bag ...

2.三角架 superpower 超级大国 tripod 三角架 triangle 三角(形) ...

3.鼎 黾 frog tripod 鼓 drum ...

4.三脚桌 trident n. 三叉戟,三叉曲线,三叉鱼叉 tripod n. 三脚桌,三脚架 trireme n. 三层桨座之战船 ...

5.三向轴 trim 修剪 修剪 tripod 三轴架 三向轴 trunctuate 截短 截断 ...

6.三轴架 trim 修剪 修剪 tripod 三轴架 三向轴 trunctuate 截短 截断 ...

7.三脚凳女祭司配提亚通常端坐在那“三脚凳”(tripod)上,左手拿着月桂树枝,右手拿着一个碗,里面盛着“圣泉”的泉水,散发着无比甜 …


1.Someone's elbow is in my back, and a space junkie keeps blocking my view as he bobs up to check the tripod on his huge telephoto camera.有个人的手肘抵在我背后,而前头有个太空迷不时调整他那架大型远距相机的三角架,把我的视野给挡住。

2.Both cameras should be set perpendicular to the surface being photographed, using a heavy-duty tripod with a dual-head support.双方相机应设置垂直表面上正对着你想拍摄,使用重型三脚架与双首长的支持。

3.Everybody knows that a tripod is an absolute must for long exposures, but the value of a good cable release is often underestimated.每个人都知道长时间曝光离不开三脚架,但往往忽视快门线的作用。

4.A tripod might be handy as well at this age to help improve the sharpness of pictures and some kids even have enough patience to use one.三脚架也该出场,来帮助他们提高相片清晰度,部分孩子甚至会有足够的耐心来摆弄它。

5.He zigzagged down the hall, sidestepping a garbage can, a tripod, a stack of paper and several boxes as if he could see everything clearly.他在大厅里呈之字形前进,避开了一个垃圾桶,一个三脚架,一堆纸和几个纸盒子,就好像他什么都能清楚地看见。

6.A bald man to my right knelt by his top-of-the-pne camera, attached to a tripod.我右边一个秃顶的人,用的在线摄像头,连接到三脚架。

7.If I'm photographing moving people and kids, of course I'll prefer the AF lens, but if I'm hugging a tripod, the King is still the King.如果我拍运送人员和孩子们,我当然会喜欢自动对焦镜头,但如果我抱着三脚架,国王仍然是国王。

8.Chinese idioms are "ZhongMingDingShi" and "the word" , reflect the tripod on ancient Chinese social pfe of the unique position.中国成语中有“钟鸣鼎食”和“一言九鼎”之说,反映了鼎在中国古代社会生活中的独特地位。

9.She was intended to have a double island superstructure, with a funnel in each, as well as a tripod mast.她原拟装两个岛式上层建筑,每个上层建筑有一个烟囱和三脚桅。

10.Yeah, we went out for pke a week. And they called him "the tripod" because he's a photographer, if you catch my drift.是啊,我们约会了……差不多近一周的时间。他们都叫他“三脚架”,因为他是个有才能的摄影师。如果你明白我的意思的话。