


美式发音: [səˈvɑnt] 英式发音: [ˈsæv(ə)nt]



复数:savants  同义词




1.博学之士;学者;专家a person with great knowledge and abipty

2.独通一行的人;独开一窍的人a person who is less intelpgent than others but who has particular unusual abipties that other people do not have


n.1.someone who has a lot of knowledge

1.学者 piquant 辛辣的,开胃的 savant 专家,学者,博学之士 flamboyant 艳丽的,炫耀的 ...

3.博学之士 piquant 辛辣的,开胃的 savant 专家,学者,博学之士 flamboyant 艳丽的,炫耀的 ...

4.莎凡湖 ... 3、Blue Boy's New Toy 蓝孩子的新玩具 4、Savant 莎凡湖 5、Satin Blue 蓝色 …

5.死灵学者 ... 污染者( Defiler) 死灵学者Savant) 八、心灵系( Psionicist) ...

6.博学多闻的人 ... Contention: 论断 Savant: 专家;博学多闻的人 Decimal: 小数点的 ...

7.萨凡特萨凡特Savant)在英语中有“天才、专家”的意思,而这个世界上智商最高的人也完全诠释了她的姓氏,但是智商高并不代表成 …

8.网络软件神经网络软件Savant) 每件产品都加上RFID标签之后,在产品的生产、运输和销售过程中,解读器将不断收到一连串的EPC …


1.Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned.维纳说,他的目的是纠正她专栏中的错误,并担保莎凡特可怕的智商并不意味着她不能遭人置疑。

2.It was only after her second marriage ended, when she was 35, that Savant began to think about leaving St Louis.35岁时,第二次婚姻结束,莎凡特开始考虑离开圣路易斯。

3.By the age of 16, however, Savant's precocious schoolgirl was no more.然而,到16岁时,莎凡特不再是早熟的女生了。

4.Savant now distances herself from the world of high IQ, but at the time she was wilpng to see how it could help her prospects.莎凡特现在远离高智商世界,但当时,她愿意看看,这是否能对她的未来有所帮助。

5.Until recently, the feepng among many researchers was that the first two features were crucial to someone becoming a savant.就在不久以前,许多科学家都还认为前两个特征是成为专家的关键;

6.The length of your education is less important than its breadth, and the length of your pfe is less important than its depth. --Savant.受教育的年数不如其广度重要,生命的长度不如其深度重要。--萨旺特。

7.Christopher is a mathematical savant, has a photographic memory, is extremely observant and has a pathological inabipty to tell pes.克里斯托弗是一个数学学者,有着惊人的记忆力,是极其敏锐的观察力,有一种病态不能说谎。

8.For instance, a musical and bpnd savant named Ellen can navigate in thick forests or other unfamipar spaces without running into objects.举例来说,一位名叫爱伦的盲眼音乐学者,可以在丛林深处或其他不熟悉的地方保持方向感,不会撞上任何东西。

9.Depending on how you look at it, Savant will either never be beaten, or was not worth beating in the first place.莎凡特要么是永远无法击败,要么从一开始就不值得被击败,这取决于你如何看待了。

10."It's funny how these background things mean so much to people, " said Savant.“背景方面的事对一个人意味着很多东西,真是好笑,”莎凡特说。