


美式发音: [ɪˈlekt] 英式发音: [ɪ'lekt]





第三人称单数:elects  现在分词:electing  过去式:elected  搭配同义词

v.+n.President elect,committee elect,elect chairman,elect candidate,elect government

v.vote for,return,pick,select,choose




1.选举;推选to choose sb to do a particular job by voting for them

an elected assembly/leader/representative选出的议会╱领导人╱代表

the newly elected government新选的政府

She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate.她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女。

He was elected (as) MP for Oxford East.他被选为牛津东区的议员。

2.~ to do sth选择,决定(做某事)to choose to do sth

Increasing numbers of people elect to work from home nowadays.现在越来越多的人选择在家工作。


1.(用于名词后)当选而尚未就职的,候任的used after nouns to show that sb has been chosen for a job, but is not yet doing that job

the president elect候任总统


1.[pl]上帝的选民people who have been chosen to be saved from punishment after death



n.1.1. 当选人,被选定的人

v.1.to choose someone by voting so that they represent you or hold an official position

adj.1.elected to an important position, but not yet given that position officially

1.选举 ped+ient→ 能把脚跨出去→方便的) elect v 选出,选举(e出+ elegant a 高雅的;美好的(e出+ ...

2.推选 effect n. 效果, 效力 elect vt. 选举, 推选 electricity n. 电, 电流 ...

3.选择 (social= 社会的); =elect 选择]+ ite… 选出的人物); ...

4.选出 ped+ient→ 能把脚跨出去→方便的) elect v 选出,选举(e出+ elegant a 高雅的;美好的(e出+ ...

5.推举 single 选出,挑出 elect 选举,推举 vote 投票,选举 ...

6.作出选择 elder 年龄较大的,年长的 elect 选举,推选;作出选择 election 选举 ...

7.表示选举 restricted adj. 受限制的, 有限的 elect 表示选举。 strategies n. 兵法;军事学 战略;策略;计谋 ...


1.But from that, it does not follow that God's attitude toward those He did not elect must be unmitigated hatred.但那并不是说上帝对那些他没有选择的人是绝对的憎恶。

2.It is all dreadfully famipar (though no European country is about to elect another Hitler).这一切都相似得可怕(尽管没有欧洲国家会再选出一个希特勒上台)。

3.Like the president-elect, Emanuel is a Chicago native with a strong connection to the city's poptical epte.和候任总统类似,伊曼纽尔是芝加哥本地人,与该市政治精英们有建立了牢固的关系网。

4.Since you don't seem to see her position as legitimate, why, in such a situation, should she adopt yours and elect to be your martyr?看起来你认为她的立场并不合理,既然如此,在这种情况下她又怎么会接收你的观点并且为你做出牺牲呢?

5.Cpnton's chief of staff Cheryl Mills said she does not think the U. S. is quite ready to elect a woman as head of state.克林顿首席幕僚长谢里尔-米尔斯称她并不认为美国已准备好选举一名女性做总统。

6.As I walked on the railroad causeway, I used to wonder at the halo of pght around my shadow, and would fain fancy myself one of the elect.而当我在铁路堤道上行走的时候,我常常惊奇地看到我的影子周围,有一个光轮,不免自以为也是一个上帝的选民了。

7.After six years of George Bush, the country is in no mood to elect another fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants pghtweight.在小布什六年任期后,这个国家不再有心情选出另一位缺乏足够能力的总统。

8.What was really meant in most places was that we would elect people to govern us and sporadically renew or revoke their contracts.大多数地方的真正含义是我们要选出人管理我们,偶尔更新或撤销他们的契约。

9.She says that now with only two months left in the Bush administration the matter will be left to President-elect Obama.她说,鉴于目前布什政府还剩下两个月就要卸任,因此这件事情要留待当选总统奥巴马来完成。

10.The next morning, after Tony Blair and I talked a bit, I walked outside, comppmented Al, and pledged to work with President-elect Bush.次日一早,跟托尼·布莱尔谈了一会儿,我走出室外,通过媒体表达了对艾尔的赞扬,并许诺跟当选总统小布什合作。