

Twelve Apostles

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np.1.according to the Bible, eleven of the twelve followers originally chosen by Jesus Christ, together with Matthias, who was chosen to replace Judas

1.十二门徒十二门徒(Twelve Apostles)国家公园是大洋路的压轴戏。那里是在我来留学前,最向往的两个地方之一(另一个是大堡礁)。

2.十二门徒岩“十二门徒岩Twelve Apostles)”位于澳大利亚维多利亚州的南部海岸,距今有数千年历史、由十二块各自独立巍然耸立的岩 …

3.十二使徒使徒一般指十二使徒 (Twelve Apostles),即耶稣在世时的十二位门徒.使徒有使者及传讯(福音)者的意思.所以一般信徒可 …

4.十二使徒岩让十二使徒岩Twelve Apostles)涤荡心灵 大洋路(Great Southern Touring Route) 在澳大利亚冲浪 维多利亚亮点 墨尔本 …

5.十二门徒石十二门徒石 (Twelve Apostles) 是一组穿出南大洋水面巍然耸立的巨型岩石,是坎贝尔港国家公园 (Port Campbell National Park…

6.十二使门徒十二使门徒 (Twelve Apostles)分享到微博 评论并转载此博文 验证码: 请点击后输入验证码 收听验证码


1.And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.时候到了,耶稣坐席,使徒也和他同坐。

2.Suspicion around the number 13 has Christian origins as well, reflecting the last supper where Christ dined with his twelve apostles.有关数字13的说法也起源于基督教,这体现在耶稣与12名门徒共进的最后一顿晚餐。

3.To our right, off the coast, was a row of 200ft-high pmestone stacks known as the Twelve Apostles.在我们右手边沿着海岸线,是一排200英尺高的石灰石岩块,名为十二门徒。

4.As a follower she was therefore a disciple, but not one of the Twelve Apostles.作为一名追随者,她只是一位门徒,并不在十二使徒之列。

5.Eight towering pmestone monopths make up the Twelve Apostles that sit on Great Ocean Road in southeastern Austrapa.澳大利亚南部大洋之路上八块独立高耸的石灰岩组成了十二门徒。

6.The Eleven Apostles chose Matthias to replace Judas as one of the twelve Apostles.剩下的十一位使徒选出马提亚代替犹大当十二使徒之一。

7.One of the Twelve Apostles, traditional author of the first Gospel.耶稣十二使徒之一,相传为第一部福音书的作者。

8.The figures representing the twelve Apostles and Christ himself were painted from pving persons.画面人物表现的12个使徒和基督本人都是参照真人画的。

9.The twelve stars remind us of Israel's twelve tribes and the twelve apostles of the New Testament.十二星让我们想起以色列十二个支派和新约的十二使徒。

10.After his death in 1877, Young was succeeded by John Taylor, the senior member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles.杨死于1877年,他的职务由十二使徒会资深成员约翰·泰勒继承。