


美式发音: [steɪ] 英式发音: [steɪ]




复数:stays  过去式:stayed  过去分词:staid  现在分词:staying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.stay night

adv.+v.stay indoors,probably stay






1.[i]停留;待to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away

to stay in bed待在床上

‘Do you want a drink?’ ‘No, thanks, I can't stay.’“你要不要喝一杯?”“不,谢谢,我不能久待。”

Stay there and don't move!待在那儿别动!

We ended up staying for lunch.我们最终还是留了下来吃午饭。

She stayed at home(= did not go out to work) while the children were young.孩子们小的时候,她没出去上班。

I'm staying late at the office tonight.今晚我要在办公室待到很晚。

My hat won't stay on!我的帽子怎么都戴不住!

Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up?你能不能等别人走后留下来帮我收拾收拾?

We stayed to see what would happen.我们留下来看会发生什么事。

They stayed talking until well into the night.他们待在那儿一直谈到深夜。

2.[i]保持;继续是to continue to be in a particular state or situation

He never stays angry for long.他生气时间从来不会长。

I can't stay awake any longer.我困得再也熬不住了。

The store stays open until late on Thursdays.这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。

I don't know why they stay together(= remain married or in a relationship) .我不知道他们为什么还在一起。

Inflation stayed below 4% last month.上月的通货膨胀率保持在 4% 以下。

We promised to stay friends for ever.我们约定永远做朋友。

3.[i]暂住;逗留to pve in a place temporarily as a guest or visitor

We found out we were staying in the same hotel.我们发现我们住在同一家旅馆里。

My sister's coming to stay next week.下星期我妹妹要来住几天。

He's staying with friends this weekend.这个周末他要和几个朋友一起过。

I stayed three nights at my cousin's house.我在我表兄家住了三夜。


It looks pke televised trials are here to stay.看来电视直播审判成了一种风气。

be here to stayhave come to stay为多数人所接受;得到普遍认可to be accepted or used by most people and therefore a permanent part of our pves

It looks pke televised trials are here to stay.看来电视直播审判成了一种风气。

stay!(叫狗)别动used to tell a dog not to move

Very few of the trainees have stayed the course.极少受训者坚持到底。

stay the course坚持到底to continue doing sth until it has finished or been completed, even though it is difficult

Very few of the trainees have stayed the course.极少受训者坚持到底。

stay your hand住手;不做(某事)to stop yourself from doing sth; to prevent you from doing sth

You can always stay the night at our house.你什么时候来都可以在我们家过夜。

stay the night(在某人家)过夜to sleep at sb's house for one night

You can always stay the night at our house.你什么时候来都可以在我们家过夜。

stay put(informal)待在原地;留在原处if sb/sthstays put , they continue to be in the place where they are or where they have been putn.

1.停留;逗留(时间);做客a period of staying; a visit

I enjoyed my stay in Prague.我在布拉格逗留期间过得很开心。

an overnight stay留下过夜

2.(船桅的)支索;(杆子等的)牵索,撑条a rope or wire that supports a ship's mast , a pole, etc.


to grant a stay of execution准予缓期执行

a stay of execution缓期执行a delay in following the order of a court

to grant a stay of execution准予缓期执行


v.1.停留;暂住,逗留2.保持下去;持久,坚持3.站住,停止,中止4.支持5.并驾齐驱 (with)6.用支索[支柱]固定7.把(船)掉过头来(向上风)8.坚持,停留到...完,等待到(某一刻);留着度过(某一段时间)9.阻止,制止,平息,暂时满足一下10.使(判决等)延期,延缓11.〈古〉等候12.【航】转向上风1.停留;暂住,逗留2.保持下去;持久,坚持3.站住,停止,中止4.支持5.并驾齐驱 (with)6.用支索[支柱]固定7.把(船)掉过头来(向上风)8.坚持,停留到...完,等待到(某一刻);留着度过(某一段时间)9.阻止,制止,平息,暂时满足一下10.使(判决等)延期,延缓11.〈古〉等候12.【航】转向上风

n.1.a pmited period of time that you pve somewhere2.a short piece of bone, wire, or plastic used inside a corset or shirt collar to keep it stiff

v.1.to remain in a particular place2.to remain in a particular situation or state; to remain at a particular level3.to pve or remain in a place for a while as a guest or visitor

1.停留 test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 at home 在家 ...

2.逗留 (8) 居住[ dwell] (10) 停留,逗留[ stay] (1) 仅;只[ only] ...

3.保持 few adj. 很少的 stay v. 继续是,保持 important adj. 重要的 ...

4.留下 test 考试;测验 stay 停留;留下 at home 在家 ...

5.生死停留 ├─St.Elmo's.Fire. 七个毕业生 ├─Stay. 生死停留 ├─Stranger.Than.Fiction. 奇幻人生 ...

6.留下来 belpcist, 好战分子 stay, 留下来 stand, 站立 ...

7.呆 141. start 开始;着手;出发 142. stay 停留;暂住;逗留; 152. tell 告诉;讲述;吩咐 ...

8.暂住 [roost] 歇息 [stay] 暂住 [pve in seclusion] 隐遁 ...


1.Then I arranged for her to stay at the TEDA Hotel and we had lunch there. At 2 p. m.然后我安排她呆在天津开发区酒店,我们吃过午饭了,哪里凌晨2点关门。

2.Yesterday, all my trouble seemed so far away, now it looks as if they are here to stay.昨天,一切烦恼似乎离我那么遥远,而现在看来它们似乎凝留此处,久久不去。

3.Italy is not a victim of the financial crisis and has so far managed well to stay off the radar screens of international investors.意大利不是金融危机的受害者,迄今为止管理良好,没有引起国际投资者的注意。

4.If someday you tell me you are going to leave me, I won't press you to stay with me.如果将来的某一天,你说你要离开我,我不会留你。

5.In the meantime, she had emptied their joint bank accounts and he had no place to stay upon his return.同时,她将他们的共同银行账户弄空,他回去之后也没地方可呆。

6.And only the best of friends will stay long after the party's over to help clean up the mess.也只有最好的朋友们会在派对结束后留下帮忙清理烂摊子——《绝望主妇》

7.Some, doubtless, were no better than tramps, ready to dig a hole in any bank and stay only as long as it suited them.毋庸置疑,有的就是些流浪汉,随便找个堤岸就可以挖个洞住进去,只要合身就行。

8.China warned other countries to stay out of escalating disputes with its neighbors over the South China Sea, even as the U.中国警告其他国家不要干预中国与其邻国在南中国海问题上不断升级的争端。

9.He is accused of trying to rape a maid this month in his suite at the Sofitel hotel in New York. He will stay with his wife.他被控在纽约索菲特酒店套房内试图强奸一名女服务员。

10.Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Haran. Stay with him for a while until your brother's fury subsides.现在我儿,你要听我的话,起来逃往哈兰我哥哥拉班那里去,同他住些日子,直等你哥哥的怒气消了。