




1.我确认 我确认, I check. 我让她陪着爸爸, so I've Ieft her with her father. ...


1.One of the first things I check on a machine that's running slowly is how much of the hard disk has been used.机器变慢后我检查的第一项内容就是硬盘空间用了多少。

2.With the length of the cookie being written, I check to see that space is available for it.使用这个写入cookie的长度,我们可以检查是否有这么多空间可用。

3.I keep an eye on several Twitter psts, and I check to see what a few Facebook friends are discussing.此外,还要留意几个推特列表,并看看facebook上朋友们在讨论什么。

4.Just a minute while I check our record, Mr. Wang. Yes, it is possible to change it to the twelfth. Thank you, Mr. Wang.好,请等一等,我查一查我们的记录。王先生,行啊,可以把订房改到谢谢。

5.I make a pst of things I need to do the next day. I check the pst in the morning and carry it with me all day so I don't forget.第二天早上看一下这张清单并随身携带,这样一来我就不会忘记任何需要完成的事了。

6.So, for example, if I check-in near a spot where a friend of mine asked his wife to marry him, I'll get a message alerting me of that.试想,当我无意在一个地方checkin时,我突然收到一条提醒说:您的朋友XXX曾在这里向他的妻子YYY求婚。

7."I check it every once in a while, " Raj said, "to see if Obama's got any interesting mail. "“我时不时地进去检查一下邮件,”拉吉说,“去看看奥巴马有没有收到什么有趣的邮件。”

8.For as long as I can remember, I've been adding places to my pst and it seems that I add them quicker than I check them off.只要我们记得这件事情,我们就会迫不及待的把这些地方填到单子上。我们填单子的速度似乎要比拜访的速度快的多。

9.I check once a week or month and do not expect great jump in fund prices.我每周或每月查看一次,并不期待价格会大幅上涨。

10.Just do not spend a week did I check uric convention twice a lot of poorer however?才不过一个星期我查了两次尿常规却差很多?