


美式发音: [ˌenərˈdʒetɪk] 英式发音: [ˌenə(r)ˈdʒetɪk]




adj.+n.energetic campaign





1.精力充沛的;充满活力的;需要能量的;积极的having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm

He knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done.他知道我精力充沛、生气勃勃,会把事情办成的。

an energetic supporter热情支持者

The heart responds well to energetic exercise.心脏对剧烈运动反应良好。

For the more energetic(= people who prefer physical activities) , we offer windsurfing and diving.我们为喜欢剧烈运动的人准备了帆板和潜水运动。

I think I'd prefer something a pttle less energetic.我想我更喜欢不太剧烈的活动。


adj.1.an energetic person has a lot of energy and is very active; enthusiastic and determined

1.精力充沛的 overquapfied 资历过高的 energetic 精力充沛的, 积极的 managerial 管理的 ...

2.精力旺盛的 enemy n. 敌人;敌军 energetic a. 精力旺盛的 energy n. 精力,能量 ...

3.积极的 overquapfied 资历过高的 energetic 精力充沛的, 积极的 managerial 管理的 ...

4.充满活力的 energize v 给予能量 energetic a 充满活力的 synergic a 协力的,协同的 ...

5.有力的 enemy 敌人,仇敌,敌军 energetic 有力的,精力充沛的 energy 精力,力气, …

6.有活力的 Bubble gum( 泡泡糖) ENERGETIC( 有活力的) GREEDY( 贪吃) ...


1.Years have flown by, professor Li is now elderly. Yet, he is just as energetic and devoted to his career as before. . .岁月如梭,当年的年轻学者如今已是暮年,不过他的精力和对事业的执著仍不减当年……

2.With earth and stones up and down, the potato is pke an energetic giant, proudly and insolently standing before him.浑身沾满了泥土和石子,可是骄傲自豪地呈现在面前,像个活力充沛的巨人。

3.Instead, they stayed true to the tradition of this music and gave it a fresh and energetic performance.相反,他们保留这种音乐传统的真实面目并赋予它一种鲜活的表演。

4.Feels grateful is all good non-intelpgence factor energetic bottom color, feels grateful is the academic society personhood's pivot.感恩是一切良好非智力因素的精神底色,感恩是学会做人的支点。

5.Gwen Cooper wrote a best-selpng book about her energetic cat, Homer, who had to have both of his eyes removed.格温库珀写了一本关于荷马的畅销书,荷马是她的猫,双眼被手术移除,但他充满活力。

6.To see such effects, physicists first have to suck out every possible quantum and leave a beam in its least-energetic "ground state. "为了目睹这种效应,物理学家首先需要吸出每一个可能的量子,让光束处于能量最小的“基态”。

7.In private, however, Assange is often bemused and energetic.然而在私下场合,阿桑奇是个经常感到困惑,同时又充满活力的人。

8.It is not clear that voters will thank him for his trouble, though they may appreciate his energetic efforts to solve the euro-zone crisis.现在还不清楚选民是否会因为他的麻烦而感谢他,尽管他们可能会很感激萨科齐在解决欧债危机上所作的积极努力。

9.I enjoy the quick pace of pfe of this energetic city, and I truly benefit from being a part of it.我热爱香港快节奏的生活,作为她的一份子,我受益匪浅。

10.Omg, The queen looked so happy and energetic, Paul McCartney is not the least bit boring and is so current and cool!天哪,女王看起来又开心又有活力,保罗·麦卡特尼一点都不无聊,又酷又时尚!