


美式发音: [esˈtəʊnɪə] 英式发音: [e'stəʊnɪə]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Estonia, country in northwest Europe

1.爱沙尼亚 爱尔兰 Ireland 爱沙尼亚 Estonia 安道尔 Andorra ...

2.伊斯坦尼亚 Hoffmann W 霍夫曼(德国) Estonia 伊斯坦尼亚(伊斯坦尼亚) Robin Piano 罗宾钢琴(中美合资) ...

3.爱沙尼亚共和国 厄立特里亚国 Eritrea 爱沙尼亚共和国 Estonia 斐济共和国 Fiji ...

4.爱莎尼亚 Denmark 丹麦 Estonia 爱沙利亚 Finland 芬兰 ...


7.爱沙尼亚签证 New Zealand 新西兰.. Estonia 爱沙尼亚签证 Austria 奥地利签证 ...

8.爱沙尼亚馆 波黑馆/ Bosna & Hercegovina 爱沙尼亚馆/ Estonia 奥地利馆/ Austria ...


1.This was a chance to trade bets on, in effect, the death of a non-existent horse, as Estonia has no pubpcly traded government debt.这是一个空手套白羊的好机会,因为爱沙尼亚没有公开的政府债务。

2.Russian ambassador to Estonia Nikolai Uspenski was one of the early visitors.俄国驻爱沙尼亚大使尼古拉斯是今天来到这里比较早的一批凭吊者之一。

3.In the case of the Estonia and other disasters, the freezing response may have been a natural and horrific mistake.在Estonia号和其它的灾难例子中,冻住的反应是天生而可怕的错误。

4.We've got a very big game in Estonia coming up that we have to win and I've got to pick a squad capable of doing that.我们即将迎来一场非常重要的比赛对爱沙尼亚,我们必须获胜,我得组一支可以赢得比赛的球队。

5.IT TAKES only a brief visit to the Bank of Estonia's small basement museum to grasp what turbulent decades the Baltic states have endured.要想体会波罗的海国家过去几十年的动荡历史,只需到爱沙尼亚银行小型地下博物馆里走一遭。

6.To maximise your influence. Vote in Estonia. In 2004 it had both low turnout and a disproportionate number of seats.扩大影响力投票给爱沙尼亚。在2004年,爱沙尼亚不但有极低的投票率,还有不成比例的议会席位。

7.But it now looks as if, barring upsets, Estonia by the middle of next year will have met all the criteria for joining the euro.尽管困难重重,但是现在看起来,爱沙尼亚应该能在明年年中达到加入欧盟的所有标准。

8.The company was started by a Swede and a Dane who contracted out much of their work to computer programmers in Estonia.这家公司最初由一个瑞典人和一个丹麦人发起设立,他们把许多工作外包给爱沙尼亚的计算机程序员。

9.Complete data was not available for the third Baltic state Latvia, but incomplete figures suggested a similar rate to that of Estonia.同为波罗的海国家的拉脱维亚虽没有完整的数据记录,但不完全统计数字表明,其谋杀率和爱沙尼亚相近。

10.However, having scrutinised his performance against Estonia last Wednesday, he was unable to produce any of the above attributes.但是,在周三对爱沙尼亚的比赛中,他并没有表现出以上的所有特点。