


美式发音: [ə'stɜ:n] 英式发音: [ə'stɜ:n]





adv.behind,aft,in back of,abaft,back of



1.在船尾;向船尾in, at or towards the back part of a ship or boat

2.(指船)向后if a ship or boat is movingastern , it is moving backwards


adv.1.in, on, to, or toward the stern of a ship or boat2.into a position with the stern pointing in the direction of motion

adj.1.positioned behind a boat

1.倒车 assembly n. 装配 astern n. 倒车 atmospheric survey 大气环流调查 ...

2.在船尾 assured 确定的,确信的 astern 在船尾,向船尾 attractive 吸引人的,有魅力的 ...

3.后退 694 1)臂 2)横杆 3)幅 arm 789 1)倒,后退 2)在后 astern 822 1)属件 2)连结 3)附件 attachment ...

4.在后 辅助通风 assisted draught 倒,后退,在后 astern 倒拖力 astern bollard pull ...

5.向后 acceptance 接受,验收 astern 倒车,向后 balance 天平 ...

6.向船尾 assured 确定的,确信的 astern 在船尾,向船尾 attractive 吸引人的,有魅力的 ...

7.朝船尾 Bolt 螺栓 Astern 朝船尾 Right-handed propeller 右旋进桨 ...


1.The tide was running so that long streaks of foam tailed away from the reef and for a moment they felt the boat was moving steadily astern.海潮滚滚,礁石那边拖着长长的银白色的浪花泡沫,这让他们感到仿佛是大船正在稳稳地后退着。

2.It looks as if the wind blows astern, and the waves wax and wane pke the moon in the vast sky, and yet We are a still picture.看来,如果风吹船尾,波浪兴衰像天上的月亮在广袤的,但我们是一个静止图像。

3.While we were in motion the only sheltered spot on deck was astern.船开行中,甲板上唯一避风处就是在船尾。

4.slow down in time by astern or with tug's assistance when approaching to pier.在接近码头过程中适时进行倒车减速或用拖船协助减速。

5.Solar ship can be separated into forehead Solar power system and propulsion and monitoring system astern .中文摘要太阳能船可概分为前端太阳能电池发电系统,以及后端之推进与监控系统。

6.They brought the ship round with a wash of water astern.他们调转船头,船尾翻起一片水花。

7.As danger alarms went off, the Iowa manoeuvred sharply and avoided the torpedo, which exploded some 3000 yards astern .爱荷华号在危险警报警声中,急转闪避,鱼雷在船尾三千码左右爆炸。

8.One of the cruiser had engine trouble and dropped astern.一艘巡洋舰引擎发生故障,落在后面。

9.hard alee; the ship went hard astern; swung the wheel hard left.驶船向上风的命令;轮船猛烈向后退;使劲向左旋转轮子。

10.He pointed to a dark blotch upon the starry sky some miles astern of us.他指着我们身后几英里处繁星点点的天空中的一朵乌云。