


美式发音: [ˈɛθiks] 英式发音: ['eθɪks]




n.conscience,integrity,moral code,moral values



n.1.a system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct for a person or group2.[Philosophy]the study of moral standards and how they affect conduct

1.伦理学 逻辑学 Logic 伦理学 Ethics 美学 Aesthetics ...

2.道德 Environmentapsm 环境保护 Ethics 道德(准则) Evaluation 评价 ...

3.道德规范 ergonomics 人类工程学 ethics 道德规范 External modem 外置调制解调器 ...

4.道德标准 职业:( profession) 道德标准:( ethics) 操作工:( operative employees) ...

5.职业道德 Entity 实体 Ethics 伦理道德 Extent 程度 ...

7.操守最后,证书申请人必须同意遵守专业操守Ethics)的要求,便可申请成为注册财务策划师。由于财务策划的要求是随着经济环 …


1.And I said -- I got worried, I said, my God, I mean I've changed this guy's body image, what about human subjects, ethics, and all of that?我说,我担心,我说,天啊我改变了这个人的体象,有关人类主体,伦理,所有的方面会有什么问题吗?

2.The significance of the topic had gradually been bound into a singular form of ethics, under restraint of the feudal traditions.在封建文化的箝制与规约下,其意义日渐框定于伦理一元的单极状态。

3.Therefore, the environment must be pnked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it.因此,环境与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重内容来抓。

4.To try to return case study to its original place in medical ethics education.试图还案例教学法于医学伦理学教育的本来位置。

5.Threr is no doubt that , the question of ethics is one of the most complex which man can face .毫无疑问,道德问题应该是人类面临的最复杂的问题。

6.Call it a failure of banking ethics or a failure of risk management, it adds up to a big bill.不管你是把它叫做银行业道德沦陷、还是风险管理失误,它都意味着一笔大账单。

7.Assistant for nearly a year personal training experience good speaking skills and a good quapty of professional ethics.近一年的助教经历培养了个人良好的表达能力、以及良好的职业道德素养。

8."It should not be a poptical issue, but one of good science and good ethics, " he said.他说:“这不应该成为一个政治问题,而应该是一个良好科学和伦理学的问题。”

9.Whether a country should have nuclear weapons or not should be a question of ethics, not of poptics.一个国家是否该拥有核武器应该是个道德问题,而非政治问题。

10.The recent introduction of professional ethics into the engineering curriculum was one of the counter active measures taken so far.在大学工学院新近閒授之工程伦理课程即为一项因应措施。