


美式发音: [ˈnɪɡər] 英式发音: [ˈnɪɡə(r)]







1.(对黑人的冒犯称呼)黑鬼a very offensive word for a black person



n.1.an extremely offensive word for a black person

1.黑鬼 niggardly 吝啬的 nigger 黑人 nigger-brown 深棕色 ...

3.黑人社会地位低下之意 36. Chino,Chinks-- 中国人 37. Nigger-- 指黑鬼(黑人) 38. Buddy,Dude-- 好友的称呼 ...

5.黑人人种的禁词 cracker: 白人人种的禁词 nigger: 黑人人种的禁词 chinc: 说中国人的。。。 ...

6.脏黑鬼道上,是可以昂首阔步、非常体面的,但是一句简单的「脏黑鬼」(nigger)却让他崩溃,原来他再怎麽努力成为一个有教养、 …

7.黑人是 ... 黄种人是 Chinaman.Chink 黑人是 Nigger 白人是 Paleface ...

8.套在扳手上的管子 Nigeria 尼日利亚 nigger 套在扳手上的管子 night cap 管端盖帽 ...


1.Well, one thing was dead sure, and that was that Tom Sawyer was in earnest, and was actually going to help steal that nigger out of slavery.不过有一点是毫无疑问的,那就是汤姆.索亚的确是诚心诚意地打算帮助那个黑人摆脱奴隶生活。

2.and I hung around the nigger cabins and laid for a chance, and stole three tin plates.我呢,在黑奴小屋四周转,等待机会,偷了三只洋铁盘子。

3.He DID not accept the ostensible explanation, but suspected that there was a nigger in the woodpile.他不同意那种表面解释,怀疑其中有不可告人之处。

4.He was fond of going to a nigger joint on the Rued'Odessa where there was a good looking mulatto who used to come Home with us occasionally.他很喜欢去奥德萨街一个黑鬼们聚会的场所,那儿有一个好看的黑白混血儿,她偶尔跟我们一起回家来。

5.and that is , there a nigger here that im a - trying to steal out of slavery , and his name is jim - old miss watson s jim .那就是,还有一个黑人,我想力争把他给偷出来,好不再当奴隶他的名字是杰姆华珍老小姐的杰姆。

6.(That the word "nigger" appears more than 200 times throughout the book did not initially cause much controversy).(在整部书中,“黑奴”这个词差不多出现了200图书多次,但开始这并没有引起太大争议)。

7.Sam, the nigger, standing in his apron, looked at the two men sitting at the counter. "Yes, sir, " he said. Al got down from his stool.黑人山姆穿着围裙站在那儿,望着坐在柜台前面的两个汉子。“是,先生,”他说。阿尔从他坐的凳子上下来。

8.so I made Jim lay down in the canoe and cover up with a quilt, because if he set up people could tell he was a nigger a good ways off.所以我让杰姆躺在小舟里,用被子蒙上。因为如果他一坐起来,人家老远就能认出是个黑奴。

9.But indeed he knew that he wasn't much better than any of those nigger servants who worked in those rich famipes.但是,他真正明白的是他并不比那些富人家的黑人奴仆好到哪去。

10.He said he wanted to study art in Paris, but I guessed that Mary WAS the nigger in the woodpile.他说他想去巴黎学艺术,但我猜他的真正动机是为了玛丽。