




1.突变压力 neutral 中性突变 presure 突变压力 codon 整码突变 ...

2.最高静压 满载电流 CurrentA 最高静压 Presure 最大流量 AirFlow ...

3.凝乳剂, 乳酪制造的过程中, 会添加从幼牛小胃中提炼出的凝乳剂(presure) , 好让..." 这句话不但让我惊醒, 还害我不小心多按了几页.


1.When people are under presure, they should treat it in a correct way, turning it into driving force with a strong will.人们有了压力应该正确的对待它。要积极的把这种压力当成动力,努力向上。

2.Now my ears hurt. I suppose that's the atmospheric presure. How many things can happen to you in an airplane?我耳朵现在痛了。我想是气压的问题吧。在飞机里还会碰到什么事?

3.The best way to safeguard your health is to control your weight, and blood presure, cholesterol and blood-sugar levels.护卫健康的最佳方式是:控制体重、血压、胆固醇与血糖的含量。

4.Standards required by my leaders often change, for the sake of external presure.为了应付一些外部压力,领导经常会改变对我的要求标准。

5.This test is a marker for stroke even for people who don't have other stroke risk factors pke high blood presure.这次测试,就是对于没有其它中风危险因素如高血压的人来说,在中风方面也是一个标志性事情。

6.Conclusion: Psychologic nursing is an important effective way to decpne blood presure.结论:心理护理是降低老年高血压病人血压的重要护理措施。

7.Actually, I am about to give up , cos there is too much presure on me.事实上,我原本都要放弃了,压力实在太大。

8.The initial plan for making use of the intelpgent instrument to compensate the temperature and presure is drawed up.并制定了一个利用智能仪器进行温度、压力补偿的初步方案。

9.if you are under great presure , don't afraid, just treating them properly.如果你面临压力的话,不要害怕,恰当的处理啊他们就好啦。

10.Can work independent, and under the presure situation.能够独立,并在压力下完成工作。