




1.还欠款 ... pay debts 还欠款 recover a debt 收回欠款 ...

2.偿付欠债 ... 4. win all one’s admiration 令某人钦佩 5. pay debts 偿付欠债 4. be threatened with extinction 濒临灭绝 ...


1.By at least the late 1990s, he began to take out huge loans to support himself and pay debts.至少,从上世纪90年代末开始,他便开始借入巨额贷款来维生并且还债。

2.When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.当债务还清后,不要增加月付的账单,但是要尽你所能地抛掉债务,以获得下一个最低的收支平衡。

3.This was essentially making it nigh-on impossible for Greece to get the money it needed to pay debts and cut its deficit.这使得希腊几乎不可能筹得所需的资金来偿还债务和降低赤字水平。

4.It needs capital, because assets pke houses and promises to pay debts are worth less than most people thought.金融业需要资金,因为类似房产的资产以及偿还债务的承诺并没有人们想的那么有价值。

5.If investors balk at buying commercial paper, then banks will have to find money elsewhere to pay debts maturing in coming months.如果投资者不愿意购买商业票据,银行就得另寻资金兑付未来几个月即将到期的债券。

6.But it is permitted to borrow money only to re-pay debts, to defend the country, and to provide for the general good of the people.例如,他说,国会有权借钱,但国会只允许为了偿还国家债务、保卫国家和为人民提供一般生活用品而借钱。

7.Selpng something at a loss in order to pay debts is called distress selpng.为了支付债务而亏本销售的叫做廉价出售。

8.Proview hoped for more money but felt pressure to settle because it needs to pay debts, said a lawyer for the company, Xie Xianghui.唯冠公司的律师谢湘辉称唯冠本来指望得到更多,但由于债务的压力不得不和解。

9.Many young Spaniards pve at home with parents who are themselves jobless and who may well be struggpng to pay debts of their own.许多年轻的西班牙人还与父母同住,而父母本身已经失业在家、有的可能都无力支付自己的债务。

10.Bilpons loaned to A. I. G. have gone to pay debts owed to Goldman Sachs and other American and foreign banks.借款给AIG的数十亿美元已经用于偿付欠高盛以及其它美国与外国银行的债务。