


美式发音: [ˈekskəˌveɪt] 英式发音: [ˈekskəveɪt]



第三人称单数:excavates  现在分词:excavating  过去式:excavated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.excavate site


v.dig,mine,dig up,quarry,dig out



1.发掘,挖出(古建筑或古物)to dig in the ground to look for old buildings or objects that have been buried for a long time; to find sth by digging in this way

The site has been excavated by archaeologists.这个遗址已被考古学家发掘出来。

pottery and weapons excavated from the burial site从墓地挖掘出的陶器和兵器

2.~ sth挖掘,开凿,挖空(洞、隧道等)to make a hole, etc. in the ground by digging

The body was discovered when builders excavated the area.建筑工人挖地时发现了这具尸体。


v.1.to dig in the ground in order to find things from the past; to dig a large hole in the ground

1.挖掘 exclude 排外,排斥 excavate 挖出,挖掘 exit 出口 ...

2.挖出 exclude 排外,排斥 excavate 挖出,挖掘 exit 出口 ...

3.发掘 发觉〖 discover;find;detect〗 发掘excavate〗 发狂〖 gomad;gocrazy〗 ...

4.开凿 accessibipty 接近性 可达性 excavate 开凿 挖掘 quote 引用 引证 ...

5.采掘 采集〖 collect;gather〗 采掘excavate〗 采矿〖 mine〗 ...

6.开挖 开拓〖 openup〗 开挖excavate〗 开外〖 over;above;beyond〗 ...


1.The third chapter of a sound social theory through the thorough research, trying to excavate the root of social theory ideas sound.第四章经过对健全社会理论的深入研究,试图挖掘健全社会理论构想的根源。

2.You looking at me, I rather excavate a chip of pork above my own body don't ambition to continue again to go for the Qi Xuan Ji for well.你看着我,我宁愿挖掉自己身上的一块肉也不想再继续为泣玄寂做事。

3.But once there's a dam and a lake on top. when is anyone ever going to see it or excavate it again?然而,一旦有了一座水坝和一个湖在顶上,什么时候还能再次看到并且挖掘这些遗迹呢?

4.Excavate coal subside seeper area is the special component of the surface water in Huainan.采煤塌陷积水体已成为淮南市一种特殊的地表水体。

5.Scientists will return to the site later to try to excavate the rest of the fossil, still embedded in beach rock, Druckenmiller said.他还说,科学家稍后将会回到发现地尝试挖掘其余镶嵌在沙滩石头里的化石。

6.To win, a robot had to excavate 150kg (330lb) of simulated lunar soil and move it into a container in less than half an hour.要赢得比赛,参赛机器人必须挖掘150千克(330磅)模拟月球土壤,并在半小时内装入一个容器。

7.He wants to make adjustments between what he wanted to do and what he had done and reactivate the rules of conduct, not excavate his guilt.他要调整他所要做的跟他所曾经做的,然后重新制定行为的常规,而不是挖掘罪恶感。

8.We give a study on Nietzsche in order to understand him , to excavate the valuable thing in his thoughts, and to use it today.我们研究尼采,就是要通过解读他、理解他,挖掘其思想中有价值的因素,为今所用。

9.Whenever the audio tone of the detector sounded , a diver would mark the spot with a white cork float and return later to excavate it.一旦探测器发出音频信号,潜水员就用软木浮标作上标记,待稍后进行挖掘。

10.If the government gives the green pght to excavate the tomb, it should be interesting to see what secrets pe inside.如果政府对发掘陵墓大开绿灯,那么看到里边究竟埋藏着怎样的秘密则是一件有趣的事情。