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1.外科手术 ... surgical 外科的 surgically 外科手术 surgy 动摇 ...

2.如外科手术般地 ... 整形外科的 orthopedic 如外科手术般地 surgically 化学外科 chemosurgery ...

3.在外科手术上 ... 1.virus 病毒 3.surgically 在外科手术上 4.vein 静脉,血管 ...

4.用外科方法 ... conspiracy 同谋,阴谋,反叛 surgically 用外科方法 legendary 传说上的;传奇性的 ...

5.外科手术地 4. inning 棒球的一局 5. surgically 外科手术地 1. matinee 日场 ...

6.以手术方式 ... urban 都市的 surgically 以手术方式 alter 改变 ...


1.If it proves to be too slow (or otherwise horrible), identify the specific beans that are a problem and surgically replace them.如果证实它确实太慢了(或不能忍受),那么确定出现问题的特定的bean并替换它们。

2.Bilal had a mount for a camera surgically implanted into the back of his head for his art project "The 3rd I" .为了他的这个艺术项目“第三眼”(The3rdI)Bilal接受了很多相机植入手术。

3.But on Thursday afternoon, only a couple of reporters chatted with him while he iced his surgically repaired knees.但星期四下午,当他冰敷手术膝盖时,只有几个记者和他聊了聊。

4.All the competitors in Friday's pageant had some sort of plastic surgery, from breast augmentation and nose jobs to surgically altered toes.在周五游行表演的所有参赛者都进行过一些整容手术,从隆胸到鼻子整形甚至脚趾整形不一而足。

5.Their veterinarian said he thought the dog had cataracts that might be surgically removed.兽医认为这只狗患白内障,也许可以手术摘除。

6.Many of these have cleft palates and parents do not even know that such a defect can be corrected surgically.当中许多是有唇裂缺陷,而他们的父母却不知是可以通过手术矫正而正常成长的。

7.A mass that increases in size or does not regress must be presumed to be neoplastic and should be removed surgically.逐渐增大、不消退的肿块必定为一新生物,应被手术切除。

8.These so-called dysrhythmias may be helped by an artificial pacemaker and is inserted surgically.这些所谓地心律变态可能是有协助地,是一种人造起搏器插动手术矫治。

9.In the standard treatment, doctors clamp off the artery and clean it out surgically.标准治疗方式中,医生采用银夹夹断动脉,游离,通过手术方式清除狭窄。

10.Unpke subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is not easy to remove surgically because it is ery close to the intestines and other internal organs.与皮下脂肪不同,内脏脂肪不易通过手术移除,因为这些脂肪非常靠近肠子和其他内部器官。