




1.眼保健操 eye n. 眼睛 eye-exercises 眼保健操 have a lesson 上课 ...

2.眼保操 breakfast 早餐 eye-exercises 眼保操 draw 画 ...

3.眼睛保健操最后,请持续做眼睛保健操(eye-exercises)!眼睛感到疲劳时,可以做眼睛保健操,可以舒缓眼睛的酸痛感.以上这几点,只要办到,相信 …


1.Eye exercises are useful for some problems, but they do not seem to repeve myopia or dyslexia.眼球运动对一些问题是有用的,但是好象并不能缓解近视和诵读困难。

2.The method can take a rest eyes closed, doing eye exercises, or to walk outdoors, etc. , which will help to epminate eye strain.休息的方法可采取闭目养神,做眼保健操,或到室外走动等,这样有利于消除视觉疲劳。

3.Palming should be practiced prior to your daily eye exercises, it is one of the essential methods on how to improve your eyesight naturally.手掌按摩应该是你做日常眼睛锻炼时首先进行的活动,它是你想要自然提高视力的基础方法之一。

4.Primary eye exercises do not remember? That was a treasure it! It not only can maintain visual acuity, eye and can prevent skin aging. . .小学学的眼保健操还记得不?那可是个宝呀!它不只可以维护视力,而且可以防止眼部肌肤衰老…

5.Make him do some eye exercises after studying, which would be really good for his sight.让他在学习完之后,做一下眼保健操,这对他的视力很有好处。

6.It is good for you to do eye exercises.做眼保健操对你有好处

7.Objective: To investigate the anatomical basis of the recuperating caring eye exercises.目的:探讨理视健眼操的解剖学基础。

8.The black eye Babao eye cream, summed up a set of treatment of black eye with the use of eye exercises, of course.乌眼圈的八宝眼霜,借总结了一套医治乌眼圈配开操做眼霜的保健操,虽然借有。

9.Also, it will be good for his sight to do some eye exercises after studying for some time.还有,学习一段时间以后,做做眼保健操对他的视力也是很有好处的。

10.Yoga has a lot of activities on the eye exercises, including the rotation of the eye in the hope that we all already know this knowledge.瑜伽中有很多关于眼睛的活动练习,包括眼球的转动等,希望大家都已经知道这些知识。