




1.说汉语 get round 逛 游览 speak Chinese 说汉语 character 汉字 ...

2.讲汉语 21.a map in Chinese 中文地图 22.speak Chinese 讲汉语 23.thank you so much 这样感谢你 ...

3.说中文 28. You`re welcome 不用谢 2. speak Chinese 说中文 3. write to sb 给某人写信 ...

4.讲中文 ... speak a foreign language 讲一门外语 speak Chinese 讲中文 speak Engpsh 讲英语 ...

5.是指讲汉语 tell 指告诉某人 speak Chinese 是指讲汉语 say 后面跟说话的内容 ...

6.用讲汉语 用讲汉语 speak Chinese 讲故事 tell story ...


1.How much more we speak Chinese, you can't hear dare disorderly comments about my tone?何况我们说的是中文,你听不懂就敢乱评论我的语气?

2.Today I could only speak Chinese with you, which is sort of embarrassing for me.所以今天只能和你用汉语交流,真是好尴尬啊。

3.Learning to speak Chinese is not as hard as you think.学汉语并不像你想象的那么难。

4.Although I do not read or speak Chinese, I have had access to an Engpsh version of Fang's article, translated by an independent source.尽管我不会读写汉语,但我从另一独立渠道获得了方的文章的英文版。

5.John could speak Chinese fluently when he was four. John was able to speak fluent Chinese when he was four.约翰四岁时就能流利地将汉语了。分析:时态比较简单。难点:流利。

6.An interpreter was employed by the French producer because he did not speak Chinese.一位翻译受雇于法国制片人,因为他不会讲中文。

7.Mary says that she can speak Chinese and talk with her Chinese friends in Chinese even though they speak quickly.玛丽说她能够说汉语,能够用汉语与她的中国朋交谈,即使他们说话很快。

8.When it was his turn to speak, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao seemed to acknowledge the concerns, a senior administration official said.一位美国政府高级官员说,轮到中国国务院总理温家宝发言时,他似乎确认注意到了外界的这种担忧。

9.Miss Zhang is going to help the tourists who does not speak Chinese.张小姐正打算帮助那些不会说中文的游客。

10.Because we also learn Engpsh course, so I can speak Chinese, but just a pttle.因为我们都上英语课,所以我(也)会说汉语,但是只会一点点。