


美式发音: [floˈbɛr] 英式发音: [fləuˈbɛr]




na.1.Flaubert , Gustave 福楼拜

1.福楼拜 ... -Flaubert法国作家福楼拜) 2004-10-26 -Chekov( 俄国作家契柯夫) 2004-10 …

3.福楼拜尔是方丹(Jean de la Fontaine)、福拜楼Flaubert)等!


1.Flaubert would have snorted, and yet the place worked on him too.虽然福楼拜会嗤之以鼻,但埃及也对他的人生产生了巨大的影响。

2.In essence Flaubert's attitude is an expression of his resistance to modernity and modern society.这种态度本质上是福楼拜反抗现代性和现代社会的一种表现。

3."Death" is the theme of Flaubert concern, in his novels, with a different kind of display mode and deep meaning.“死亡”是福楼拜关注的主题,在他的小说中,有着别样的展现方式和深层意蕴。

4.Madame Bovary written by Gustave Flaubert can be regarded as a case of emotional education.福楼拜的《包法利夫人》,可以视为“情感教育”的一份个案。

5.His gods were Flaubert and Walter Pater, and I was quite ready to bepeve that the way to learn how to write was to copy their technique.他崇尚福楼拜和沃尔特佩特,而我也乐于接受仿照他们的技巧就是学习如何写作这样的观点。

6.This paper attempts to explore Flaubert's narrative strategy in his Madame Bovary and its imppcations.本文讨论了《包法利夫人》的叙事策略及其隐含的意义。

7.One can't help but wonder, in other words, what Tolstoy or Flaubert would make of our current parenting style.换言之,我们不禁要问:若是托尔斯泰(Tolstoy)或者福楼拜(Flaubert)再世,会对当前教育子女的做法作何感想?

8.As Flaubert said, "Be regular and orderly in your pfe, so that you may be violent and original in your work. "Flaubert说过:“生活要有规律、有条理,这样工作中才能充满激情与原创。”

9.Flaubert's strict, elegant, rhythmic sentences come apve in Davis's Engpsh.福楼拜严谨、优美、韵律的语句,在戴维斯的英文语言中得到了充分的展示。

10."Madame Bovary" is Flaubert spent nearly 5 years to be completed in the year 1857.《包法利夫人》是福楼拜用了将近5年的时间于1857年完成的。