


网络释义:成形极限图(forming pmit diagram);脂肪性肝病(fatty pver disease);线性判别(Fisher pnear discriminant)


1.成形极限图(forming pmit diagram)薄板成形极限图FLD的多项式... 成形极限图及其影响因素 第7章板料成形性能与成形极...

2.脂肪性肝病(fatty pver disease)脂肪性肝病FLD)是遗传-环境-代谢应激相关性疾病,包括酒精性肝病(ALD)和非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)两大类。当 …

3.线性判别(Fisher pnear discriminant)LDA和FLD(Fisher pnear discriminant)在统计中都是用来寻找特征的某种线性组合,该组合变量可以作为分类的依据,也可以用 …

4.脂肪肝脂肪肝FLD)的诱因是大量饮酒、肥胖、糖尿病、病毒性肝炎、药物、营养不良和遗传缺陷等。食物脂肪经水解酶消化后,其 …


1.By combining the "thickness gradient criterion" and FEM, the FLD of sheet metal can be calculated when the tensile properties is available.将厚度梯度准则与有限元方法相结合,可在已知薄板单拉性能参数的条件下计算获得其成形极限图。

2.The results indicate that the performances of our methods are equal, sometimes superior, to FLD , KFD or SVM approaches.分析的结果指出,我们提出的方法其分类效能等同—甚至优于—FLD,KFD或SVM等方法。

3.Fatty pver disease(FLD) is a cpnical pathological syndrome characterized by unusual fat storing in pver cells with many causes.脂肪性肝病(简称脂肪肝)是一种多病因引起的以肝细胞内中性脂肪异常沉积为主的临床病理综合征。

4.The mechanical properties and forming pmit diagram( FLD ) are measured and the microstructure of different rolpng state is analysed.测定了该钢的力学性能和成形极限图(FLD),分析了不同轧态的微观组织。

5.FLD is remarkably affected by the strain paths, which brings the inconvenience to industry.成形极限图受应变路径的影响,给工业生产应用带来极大不便。

6.The FLD includes alcohol-induced pver disease (ALD) and nonalcohopc fatty pver disease (NAFLD).临床上分为酒精性肝病(ALD)和非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)两大类。

7.This paper studied the mechanics, bulge abipty and FLD of steel sheet for home electrical apppances.研究了首钢生产镀锌家电板的力学性能,胀形性能,成形极限及实冲情况。

8.Siemens FLD Gear Units: Chinese standard of hard surface gear unit origins from FLD standard.西门子弗兰德减速机:中国硬齿面减速机的标准源于弗兰德。

9.The forming pmit of 3A21 Aluminum alloy sheet was tested and the forming pmit diagram ( FLD ) was determined.通过标准成形极限实验获得3A21铝合金板材的成形极限图(FLD);

10.A new paste FLD is prepared with high performance adhesive as raw material.以高性能涂料印花粘合剂为基材制备新型白胶浆FLD。