



美式发音: [ˈpæd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pæd(ə)l]


v.用脚玩水;用手划水;抚弄 (in on about)


复数:paddles  现在分词:paddpng  过去式:paddled  搭配同义词

v.+n.paddle boat

Adj.+n.wooden paddle




v.1.涉水,用脚玩水;用手划水2.〈古〉摆弄,抚弄 (in on about)3.(小孩)趔趔趄趄地走4.荡桨5.(轮船等)用明轮行进6.(用桨状物)搅打;〈美口〉叭嗒叭嗒地打7.用桨划(小船)8.(用划桨的船)运送1.涉水,用脚玩水;用手划水2.〈古〉摆弄,抚弄 (in on about)3.(小孩)趔趔趄趄地走4.荡桨5.(轮船等)用明轮行进6.(用桨状物)搅打;〈美口〉叭嗒叭嗒地打7.用桨划(小船)8.(用划桨的船)运送


v.1.to move a small boat through the water using a paddle2.to swim slowly by moving your arms or legs gently through the water3.to hit a child with a paddle as a punishment4.to wade in water that is not very deep1.to move a small boat through the water using a paddle2.to swim slowly by moving your arms or legs gently through the water3.to hit a child with a paddle as a punishment4.to wade in water that is not very deep

n.1.a short pole that you push into the water in order to move a small boat such as a canoe. It is wide and flat at one or both ends.2.a circular flat object with a handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis3.one of the long flat boards that are joined together in the shape of a wheel, used for moving a paddle boat through the water4.a short flat piece of wood with a handle, used in the past for hitting a child as a punishment5.the activity of playing or walking in water that is not very deep. The American word is wade.1.a short pole that you push into the water in order to move a small boat such as a canoe. It is wide and flat at one or both ends.2.a circular flat object with a handle, used for hitting the ball in table tennis3.one of the long flat boards that are joined together in the shape of a wheel, used for moving a paddle boat through the water4.a short flat piece of wood with a handle, used in the past for hitting a child as a punishment5.the activity of playing or walking in water that is not very deep. The American word is wade.

1.划船 ... ① warrior: 武士。 ② paddled划船。 ③ medicine men: 医师。 ...

2.涉水 ... in a hurry 急忙地 paddled 涉水 walked 走路 ...

3.鞭打 ... Own Cum, 自己射惹 ==== P字部 Paddled, 鞭打 Pain, 痛楚(不限方式) ...


1.When record-breaking storms flooded the village this past summer, the children happily paddled around on boards as if they were canoes.去年夏天空前的暴雨淹没村寨时,孩子们把木板当做独木舟来嬉戏。

2.When Confucius played Qin, a fisherman paddled his boat to the bank and stepped down to sit on a stone.孔子弹琴的时候,有一位渔夫自河中将船划靠岸,走下船来,坐在一块石头上。

3.It seemed also very attractive, but the correspondent knew that it was a long journey, and he paddled leisurely.海岸似乎也很吸引人,不过记者知道还有很长的一段距离,所以他慢悠悠地划著。

4.We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo.我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。

5.' He continues: 'Turning southward, they paddled down the stream, through a soptude unrepeved by the faintest trace of man.他继续说:“向南一拐,他们沿河划桨,穿过一片没有一点人迹的、冷僻、单调的野地。”

6.Bewitched, we paddled down the Mekong and through sunken forests before being picked up a few miles down river.我们看得入了迷,然后沿着湄公河继续划船,经过水上树林,到下游几英里的地方被人接上了岸。

7.As they paddled past mangroves at dusk on 1 November, they spotted a badly decomposed body wrapped in a rug and raced to tell their parents.这两个孩子十一月一日黄昏划船经过红树林时发现一具裹在地毯里严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述其父母。

8.Noah paddled the canoe back to the main creek. She was still amazed by what she had seen.诺亚划着独木舟回向主流的小溪。她为所看到的景象仍在吃惊。

9.She lay at the side of the pool and paddled in the water with her fingers.她躺在池子边上,用手指玩水。

10.However there are many other things to do as well such as water skiing or cruising around the lake on a motorized or paddled boat.不过在这里也有很多其他事可干,例如滑水,乘汽艇或者手摇船游湖。