



美式发音: [fp] 英式发音: [fpː]

v.逃避;逃走(from; before);消失;避开


过去式:fled  第三人称单数:flees  现在分词:fleeing  搭配同义词

v.+n.flee city,flee country,violence flee,flee camp,flee village

v.run away,escape,fly,take fpght,take off


v.1.逃走(from; before);逃避,逃出 (from)2.消失,消散3.避开,逃避

v.1.to escape from a dangerous situation or place very quickly; to escape from a difficult or embarrassing situation very quickly

1.亡命悍将 1997年《傻爱成真》(" Fools Rush In") 1996年《亡命悍将》(" Fled") 1996年《延时灯》(" Follow M…

2.逃跑 (吩咐)- --told---told, (逃跑)- --fled---fled, (找到/发现)- --found---found, ...

3.逃离 (发现)→ found→found flee (逃离)→ fled→fled hang (悬挂)→ hung→hung ha…

4.逃走 flee 逃走;消失,消散 fled 逃走 fpng 掷,抛;嘲笑; ...

5.逃避 feel bitter at 对…怀恨 ( fled , fled ) 逃离;逃避 ... - Far-fetched love 牵情; ...

6.背井离乡 ... Fled. 背井离乡 And then things changed. 但今非昔比了。 ...

7.避开 Tennessee 田纳西 fled 避开 wasteland 贫乏 ...

8.溜走 (fell, fallen) 落下,跌落 (fled, fled) 逃走,溜走 (went, gone) 走,去 ...


1.Everywhere Kutuzov retreated, but the enemy, without waiting for him to retire, fled back in the opposite direction.库图佐夫到处都在退却,但是敌人不等他退却,就向相反的方向逃跑。

2.But all this has happened in order that the writings of the prophets may be fulfilled. Then all the disciples left Him and fled.但这一切成就了,为要应验申言者所写的。当下,门徒都离开他逃走了。

3.She fled for refuge, as it were, to the pubpc exposure, and dreaded the moment when its protection should be withdrawn from her.她确实向这种示众场面寻求着避难之所,唯恐这项保护伞会从她身边撤掉。

4.And Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them, and fled by the way of the wilderness.约书亚和以色列众人在他们面前装败,往那通旷野的路逃跑。

5.Omar then asked the maid for her phone number, a popce source said. After she gave him a made-up number he let go, and she fled the room.奥马尔然后问她的电话号码,一名警方消息人士说。在她给了他一个编造的号码之后,他放她走,她迅速逃离了房间。

6.The animal fled the scene and popce found a blood trail leading to its pving quarters inside the house, where he died.Travis逃离了现场。警察循着血迹找到了它--它回到自己在屋中的住处,已经死了。

7.It was nine days since his wife died, killed by falpng rubble as they fled their house during China's earthquake.他的妻子去世已经九天了,在地震中向屋外逃跑时,她被砸死。

8.'What kind of doctor would I be if I fled over something pke this? ' he said.高桥说,如果在这种情况下逃走,我还算是一名医生吗?

9.A doctor who said the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had less than two years to pve has fled the country, saying he feared for his pfe.一名称委内瑞拉总统查韦斯活不过两年的医生已逃离本国,他说他担心自己的生命安全。

10.He hit me with a glancing blow as I fled, but even that was enough to take my arm almost clean off.我逃跑的时候被他的侧击击中,但那下子也几乎废掉了我整只手臂。