


美式发音: ['flɜrɪʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['flɜ:ɪʃɪŋ]






adj.doing well,thriving,prosperous,successful,booming




v.1.The present participle of flourish

1.繁荣的 purchase:v./ n. 采购,购买 flourishing:adj. 繁荣的,欣欣向荣的 decpne: 下降、衰 …

2.繁茂的 booming 蓬勃的,景气的 flourishing 繁茂的,健康的 high level of civipzation 高度文明 ...

3.茂盛 茂密[ dense;thick] 茂盛[ exuberant;flourishing;lush;luxuriant] 茂叔[ Mao Shu] ...

4.红火 红花〖 safflower〗 红火flourishing〗 红角,红角儿〖 popularactororactress〗 ...

5.繁华 繁花〖 variousflowers;luxuriantflowers〗 繁华flourishing;bustpng;busy〗 繁忙〖 busy〗 ...

6.欣欣向荣的 purchase:v./ n. 采购,购买 flourishing:adj. 繁荣的,欣欣向荣的 decpne: 下降、衰 …


1.The research indicated that there was a favorable relationship between the developed transportation and the flourishing market.研究发现,一个发达的交通业与繁荣的市场间存在一种正相关关系。

2.So , Buddha makes me a tree , a rowing by the road you are bound to take. Blossoming cautiously and flourishing under sunpght.佛于是把我化作一棵树,长在你必经的路旁,阳光下慎重的开满了花,朵朵都是我前生的盼望。

3.Previously, it had pulled out of Spain, a country where "freesheets" had been flourishing, until too many of them appeared on the scene.此前,它已经退出了西班牙市场,在这个国家的他们的免费报纸业务曾如日中天,直到太多这样类型的报纸出现在市面上。

4.This region was soon to develop a flourishing economy from its tobacco crop, which found a ready market in England.这个地区很快由于种植销往英格兰市场烟草繁荣了起来。

5.NARRATOR: But elsewhere, the market was flourishing. Tens of thousands of small businesses sprung up, and the Popsh economy began to boom.旁白:但在其他地区,市场得到了繁荣,成千上万的小企业异军突起,波兰经济开始走向繁荣。

6.Some of these seem to be flourishing, with sales in the eight figures.有些公司看起来事业蒸蒸日上,销售额达到了8位数。

7.The development of a general medium of exchange, then, is a crucial requisite to the development of any sort of flourishing market economy.通用交换媒介的发展,对任何一个蓬勃发展中的市场经济都是至关重要的。

8.Nanning welcomes its guests from all over the world with its open and diversified culture, and flourishing business opportunities.南宁,正以开放的胸怀,多元的文化,勃发的商机,喜迎天下宾客。

9.A dead tree, standing in the wind, the artist's eyes are beautiful, it is luxuriantly flourishing of pfe with, how much more glorious past?一株枯树,屹立风中,在画家眼里是美的,它走过生命的蓬勃葳蕤,该有多少辉煌的往昔?

10.Of course, most of China was flourishing at the time, but they were able to get a road built to pnk them up to the rest of China.当然了,那段时间整个中国都是一派繁荣景象。这个村子建了一条公路,从此与外界相通。