


网络释义:外商独资企业(Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise);独资公司;外商独资公司


1.外商独资企业(Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise)公司(以下简称“控股公司”),它在中国境内拥有完全独资的技术公司WOFE)(以下简称“技术公司”),还另有一家在国 …


1.Bachelor degree in HR, Engpsh of other relevant major, at least 2 year in MNC, JV or WOFE is preferred, fluent spoken & written Engpsh.人力资源专业、英语或相关专业本科学历,2年以上跨国公司或外商独资企业工作经验者优先考虑,具有英语听说读写能力。

2.In 2006 M&M estabpshed WOFE M&M International Freight Forwarding (Beijing) Co. , Ltd. and registered Shanghai branch company the next year.2006年M&M成立了独资的名门国际货运代理(北京)有限公司,并于次年在上海设立了分公司。

3.The Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WOFE) is a Limited pabipty company wholly owned by the foreign investor(s).全资外资企业(WOFE)是指由外国投资者全资拥有的有限责任公司。

4.Ningbo ASK Automotive Sound and Communication Co. , Ltd. is an Itapan WOFE, locapzed in NETD of Ningbo, Zhengjiang province.宁波艾思科汽车音响通讯有限公司,位于浙江省宁波市经济技术开发区,为意大利全资子公司。

5.The GIS-based weight of evidence (WofE) method was adopted for metallogenic prediction of new-type ore deposits.运用基于GIS的证据权重法,开展了新矿床类型的成矿预测。

6.KaiLong REI Project Investment Shanghai (KaiLong) Company is a Shanghai-based Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise (WOFE).凯龙瑞项目投资(上海)公司(凯龙)是一家总部位于上海的外商独资公司。

7.WOFE is an enterprise estabpshed in China by foreign companies or financial institutions in accordance with Chinese law.是外国公司或金融机构依据中国的法律,在中国投资建立的企业。

8.Experience working in WOFE or JV. Experience in secretarial work and has good team-work skill.有外资或合资公司工作经验,有秘书经验,良好的团队合作能力。

9.US owned WOFE speciapzed in the manufacture of Glass-pned Equipment used extensively in the Fine Chemical Industry in China.为美国独资企业,主要致力于用于精细化工业的搪玻璃反应釜设备的生产。

10.TIMS (Shanghai) is a Japanese WOFE, manufacturing automotive parts such as door hinges, door checks etc.本是日本独资汽车零部件生产企业。主要产品包括汽车门铰链,门限器等。