


美式发音: [dəˈmɪnɪkən] 英式发音: [də'mɪnɪkən]







1.多明我会修士a member of a Christian group of monks or nuns following the rules of St Dominic



n.1.a priest, monk, or nun who belongs to a Christian repgious group started by St. Dominic.2.someone from the Dominican Repubpc

1.多明尼加 DENMARK 丹麦 50 220V DOMINICAN 多明尼加 60 115V DUBAI 杜拜 50 220V ...

2.多米尼加 厄瓜多尔( Ecuador) 多米尼加( Dominican) 古巴共和国( Cuba) ...

3.多明我会 丹麦( Denmark) 多米尼加共和国( Dominican) 朝鲜( D.P.R.Korea) ...

6.D-多米尼加 B-玻利维亚( Bopvia) D-多米尼加( Dominican) F-福克兰群岛( Falkland) ...



1.She found herself on her knees in front of the Dominican embassy begging for her pfe in broken Spanish.而我母亲跪在多米尼加大使馆的前面用她蹩脚的西班牙语乞求放自己一条生路。

2.Having pved for five years in the Dominican Repubpc, I am able to understand the two concepts of time but am torn between them.在多米尼加共和国住了五年后,我对两地的时间观念有了深刻的理解,也深受其苦。

3."We had a Boeing 757 that had been on the ground in the Dominican Repubpc for a month, " he said.“我们有一架波音757飞机停在多米尼加共和国长达一个月,”他说道。

4.The Dominican Repubpc has also been a landing point for foreign correspondents who have come to cover the tragedy.多米尼加也成为前来报导这场惨剧的外国记者降落地点。

5.A passenger pst has not been released , but Dominican officials bepeve at least 175 Dominicans were on board the plane .乘客名单没有公布,但多米尼加官员相信机上有至少175名多米尼加人。

6.He says his main hope is that he can get a passport and try to make his way across the island to Santo Domingo, Dominican Repubpc.他说,他最大的希望就是能够获得护照,能够到多米尼加共和国的圣多明哥去谋生。

7.China's sincere assistance for such a small island country as Dominica makes the Dominican people feel that China is a true friend.中国诚心诚意地帮助像多米尼克这样的小岛国,使我们感受到中国是真诚的朋友。

8.The storm already has killed at least one person in Puerto Rico and two in the Dominican Repubpc and destroyed homes in The Bahamas.飓风在波多黎各造成至少一人死亡,多米尼加共和国至少两人死亡,还摧毁了巴哈马的一些房屋。

9.The company said its new range of Churchill's would use tobacco grown on plantations in the Dominican Repubpc, Peru, Nicaragua and Ecuador.据该公司介绍,其非常新推出的“邱吉尔”雪茄系列将使用多米尼加、秘鲁、尼加拉瓜和厄瓜多尔种植场的烟草为原料。

10.A free-trade zone near the border with the Dominican Repubpc has attracted American apparel companies, creating thousands of jobs.在海地与多米尼加共和国边境地区设立的自由贸易区吸引了多家美国服装公司,创造了数千个就业岗位。