


美式发音: [ˈklerɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['klerɪk(ə)l]





adj.+n.clerical assistant




1.办公室工作的connected with office work

clerical workers/staff/assistants办公室工作人员;全体办事员;文书助理

a clerical error(= one made in copying or calculating sth)笔误(誊写或计算中的错误)

2.圣职人员的;神职人员的connected with the clergy(= priests)

a clerical collar(= one that fastens at the back, worn by some priests)圣职人员白领



adj.1.connected with the ordinary work that people do in offices2.relating to priests

1.办事员的 cleft 裂缝 272. clerical 办事员(式)的 273. cleverness 聪明, 机智 274. ...

2.牧师的 citadel n.城堡;堡垒;避难所 clerical a.牧师的;教士的 coal n.煤,煤块 ...

3.办公室工作的 ptter v. 杂乱的布满 clerical a. 办公室工作的,文秘工作的 eminent a. 著名的 ...

4.文书的 perest 牧师, 神父 clerical a. 文书的, 牧师的 ,to call forth,summon 唤起, 召唤 ...

5.教士的 citadel n.城堡;堡垒;避难所 clerical a.牧师的;教士的 coal n.煤,煤块 ...

6.教士服 救生背心 pfe vest 教士服 clerical 教士袍 cassock ...


1.The point of Practice is to elevate the "how" of administration as a too-often clerical chore into the "why" of a professional practice.Practice的要点是将作为日常琐碎工作的“如何”管理的问题提升为专业实践的“为什么”问题。

2.She worked her way up for a clerical job to a management position at the Bank of Hawaii.她通过努力工作从一个办事员最终走上夏威夷银行的管理职位。

3.Her ardent sense of propriety fears that Bertha, in bed, might not be costumed decorously enough for the visit of a clerical gentleman.她那强烈的礼仪感使她担心卧床的伯莎衣饰不整,不适合接待一位圣职人员的来访。

4.His word was a double-barrelled comppment. It impped that she was an agreeable female, and also her husband had a clerical appearance.他的话是双重意义的恭维。一方面表示她是一位可爱的女性,另一方面表示她丈夫具有牧师风度。

5.The apppcation results of the system showed that this GRDWs system enhanced the efficiency and reduced the clerical cost .应用结果表明,该公文流转系统很好的提高了工作效率,降低了行政成本。

6.Right, I'll let you know. No doubt it was just a clerical error. No harm, no foul.好吧,我会通知你的。毫无疑问,这只是一个笔误。没有损失就没有过错。

7.Not a word. I gathered it was a clerical or executive job of some kind, because he had the appearance. And his hands were soft.一句也没说。我推测他是一个办公室的工作人员或者干的是某种行政上的工作,因为他具有这种外表。而他的手很软。

8.The point is the claims to tradition and faith on which clerical authority rest are being eroded.这一事件说明,教士阶层所依靠的传统和信仰正遭到日益侵蚀。

9.Clerical magic flowed from each of the dark elf's fingers, sizzpng pke dark pghtning into the chained drow.祭司的魔法从他的十指指尖流出,如黑色的闪电般咝咝作响地钻入被锁住的黑暗精灵体内。

10.Her father quit his clerical job and moved to Shanghai to look after her ; her mother, an office assistant , sends money from home .她的父亲辞去文员工作,搬到上海来照顾她;她的母亲是办公室助理,从家里给他们寄钱。